poop you beat me to it and I was even going to post the same image
Mornin all.
Roof rack on in a bit, pickin up an old wrought iron bed herself bought. Has a wire net base wif springs at one end. Some wires have gone, finkin that bent bicycle spokes will do the job? @DanClarke ?View attachment 284977
W and I call those things chicken wire mattresses and we hate them with a vengeance cos the couple always roll together on them.
Partial solution is to roll a blanket up and put it down the middle under the mattress.
The Frogs have them all over the place.
Honestly some of their furniture is so Dangblasted uncomfortable!!!!!
Only time we ever left a hotel without paying was after a night on a bed with one of these things on it.
But the bedframes can be quite attractive and there is always a way to make a decent undermattress or support using wood slats or whatever. I Bought a pair of singles from that Swedish place and made one up for our main bed in France. Works a treat.
Ikea, that's the bunny!! ;););)
Pans People girlies, lovely, I'll raise you the Legs & Co totty...

And one of my all time favourite tracks, sadly not played in full.
It is obvious from the way they move that most if not all were classically trained.
Hot Gossip, Legs & Co.
Where have they all gone?
Well TOTP has gone too.
Life used to be so mujch simpler!!!
You OK HP? Unsaid stuff there..
Also to the rest of my forum family.
Received a phone call which no one wants,to say get to Birmingham hospital asap. So quickly arranged to drop the lorry into a secure location & get the mrs to collect me on route.
6hrs later I’m there to say my final goodbyes

my life goes on & I will use your likes as love & hugs.

once again thanks for looking out for others & noting if there are small hidden problems that people close to you may not spot
Love you all xxx
Also to the rest of my forum family.
Received a phone call which no one wants,to say get to Birmingham hospital asap. So quickly arranged to drop the lorry into a secure location & get the mrs to collect me on route.
6hrs later I’m there to say my final goodbyes

my life goes on & I will use your likes as love & hugs.

once again thanks for looking out for others & noting if there are small hidden problems that people close to you may not spot
Love you all xxx
Only liking this cos it's the roolz.
So sorry mate.:(:(:(
We are here for you if you want virtual hugs and kisses or if you want to sound off.

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