Us boys av stowed away on this yer enemy vessel and be intent on conkerin' they Froggies single andid. Us be bringin prizners back norl.
To the gentle lady and child in the large white estate car (they all look the same to me) that I waved in from a side road on the way to Stubbington one morning this week.
Your enthusiastic gesticulations and mouthed words conveying your opinion of my tratter and its driver where most clear to me.
I think 'fuggin ossum' about covers it? (see that coming?)
Made my day, no week actually..
So, thanks missus :D
Gid moanin me fiends
Eyes till breevin anorl, annitz Sat-turdi terdi coz twer Frydi furt chsh-n-fips fert tee.
Tsunz oot, swavva guddun.

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