As far as I can see they can' England....but you can't totally cut them out in Scotland

Funny really (well maybe not;)) but here in BG wills are not widely accepted, as it is all set out in law. Which is why sometimes there are 12 people in a solicitors office to sell a house:eek:, because parts are automatically passed down "no ifs & buts".

It is so instant here, I looked at a function generator last night and it will be here by 4.00pm today!
I don't mind spending the money, my Mrs is well looked after in my will. She can always sell my stuff too, when I am gone!
OK, give up, What the * is a function generator, is it a mathy, computery thing?

Oh did watch a very long oyutube yessdi about how to mend cassette players as we now have 5 in three hifi towers none of which work!
And he used a Oh-silly-scope!! That was interesting and I kinda unnerstood it!;)
Don't be fooled that a will is enough, have a look at LPAs (Lasting Power of Attorney).
We are finalizing our wills now and have taken out 2 each LPAs (now registered) Spoke with Mum & Dad when we started and they have just done some too, after they had a look and a chat with their solicitor, so take a look. Its a minefield when you think its so simple:(.

Sorry to be a bit morbid, but it don't always go where you think.

Powers of Attorney can be a minefield too.
W's mum had one taken out by her son and basically the solicitor was either bent or stupid or both. As she was then "allowed" to make a bent will while not of sound mind.
So guess who got cut out of the will?
Well basically the whole family except for him and his adopted daughter.
The will stated that she was leaving him her dosh cos he was the only one who looked after her.?
He never visited her in her "home" according to the visitors book. She ended up with none of her own stuff, not even her underwear. So yep he sure looked after her. W had to go and buy clothes for her as she was desperate. And all this time she had no idea who W was.
Can't swear on here now but you can imagine!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

But you are right, and W and I will be taking them out next time we change our wills. ;)

(and boy it's expensive. I should have been a solicitor!):rolleyes:
Straight spousal wills should be easy enough but children can be an issue (pun intended). In Scotland they have an automatic right to equal shares of one third of the moveable estate. SKIing is much encouraged
...and we have the additional problem that W's kids are not mine so our French property will be treated according to the Napoleonic inheritance laws, which aren't too different form the Scots one!
So we bought the land with a "tontine" clause so her kids couldn't chuck me out if she dies first!.
(Fortunately I get on well with all of them!!;);))
Pardon me but what or who is "SKling"? "skiing"?;)
I understand but if I die and she survives i can't see how the children can claim it?
If she is doolali? and the dosh is needed to keep her in a home?
If they can "prove" that your will was wonky and you were not of sound mind when you wrote it?
You are lucky you don't live in Scotland or many places abroad.
In France we know of families where on her husbands death the wife only got her cut and had to move out of the house to...who knows where...?
So the kids could sell it and divvy up the dosh.
Until very recently, even with a tontine, I would have had to pay my share of the death duties on what I inherited from my wife if she died first. This has now disappeared.
Is it another 90day 1?
When do you get the "free pass"?

Nope it's another 180 day one, like we got last year. You don't need to F around to get 90 days at a time you just get a ticket and get over there although this will change in the near future. do not need a,or for certain other reasons
This being because they keep trying to introduce the Biometric data thing for all visitors. But so far they cannot do it logistically.
We are closer to looking more seriously at "Cartes de Séjour" but as in all things, there are positives and negatives with these.
TBH if the TLScontact website ran better we probably wouldn't bother, especially if we lived closer to Wandsworth and could swallow the £200 plus for the visas and travelling up there.
Nope it's another 180 day one, like we got last year. You don't need to F around to get 90 days at a time you just get a ticket and get over there although this will change in the near future. do not need a,or for certain other reasons
This being because they keep trying to introduce the Biometric data thing for all visitors. But so far they cannot do it logistically.
We are closer to looking more seriously at "Cartes de Séjour" but as in all things, there are positives and negatives with these.
TBH if the TLScontact website ran better we probably wouldn't bother, especially if we lived closer to Wandsworth and could swallow the £200 plus for the visas and travelling up there.

Sorry I meant the 180day as any pleb can get 90 days:oops:.

So have you added up the cost if you got the "card to stay" I have no idea about the French rules, no tax here we is retryed:), plus we keep our heads down;).

Sorry I meant the 180day as any pleb can get 90 days:oops:.

So have you added up the cost if you got the "card to stay" I have no idea about the French rules, no tax here we is retryed:), plus we keep our heads down;).

To get "Cartes de Séjour" we would basically have to declare ourselves as intending to become French residents. It would start with our obtaining 1 year visas and then, in France, going for the CdSs.
Getting those oughtn't to be too difficult as we would have to provide the same paperwork as for visas except for the addition of official translations of our birth certs.
We would have to pay income tax in France but that would probably not be a problem as they can only tax us on income paid in France. As we are both pensioners I cannot pay any tax on my pensions outside of the UK as both mine are state ones. W is in a more complex situation as some of hers are like mine and some would probably need to be taxed in France. but French tax for peeps on not too big incomes is reasonable. We'd have to mess about with cars, maybe buying one over there and registering another, but then we'd be no longer paying road fund licence although insurance may be higher.
Health insurance is another issue. At the moment we have GHIC cards and top up insurance.
It would be ideal to get Cartes Vitales, like French peeps have and according to my research that shouldn't be a problem, then we'd be looking at top up with a "mutuel" as Frogs have.
With CdSs we could travel to the UK and back to Fr much more easily and as long as we don't stay out of Fr for longer than 10 months in each of 2 years we would keep the Cartes and we would never do that anyway, The whole point of CdSs would be to be able to stay over there for fasr longer than the current 6 months!

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