Gid moanin me fiends.
Burdi baff shud bi stood standin on a pedal stool; uvverwize moggsill get der ikkle tweetees, an iz gotta av rhume fer loadsa burdeez an sum watter anorl.
Snot snewin, reignin ur blewin swam appi.
Sneeli nexter weak ser avva guddun.
Us boys av bin hard it it all morning makin space for big harvest neckst weekend. Us be voyagin far abroad ter furrin climes and returnin wiv dubloons an such. Us av no fear and trusty Hippo hav 425 kg payload. He be a staunch frend when us be challenged.
Av you got a 300?
I want to change the transmission oils but the gearbox and transfer box drain and filling plugs have me a bit stumped. Paynes manual is a bit opaque..

It be a high torque 200 that couldn’t pull a skin off a rice pudding
I am tired, happy in pain but who cares, my Landy is superb and didn't let me down today :)

You a bit banged up? Stairs is bastids.
Was coming down in my old house carrying a telly (in socks) and trod on the pins of the plug. Came down on lower back and elbows (luckily the telly was ickle). Really sore, right elbow still not errrm.. right.
Me tratter is a happy too lately. Passed a parked up lightweight earlier and came back for a look.
Owner was just leaving and offered me a swap! I'd love a lightweight, but Girl is me daily drive.. And she's mine for keeps anyhow :D
You a bit banged up? Stairs is bastids.
Was coming down in my old house carrying a telly (in socks) and trod on the pins of the plug. Came down on lower back and elbows (luckily the telly was ickle). Really sore, right elbow still not errrm.. right.
Me tratter is a happy too lately. Passed a parked up lightweight earlier and came back for a look.
Owner was just leaving and offered me a swap! I'd love a lightweight, but Girl is me daily drive.. And she's mine for keeps anyhow :D
That sounds painful!! We don't have a banister on our stairs, it's never been a problem in 17 years of living here..... I managed to fall through the gap :eek:
As for a lightweight, I would have one if I had the room (plus a series 2 and and forward control) I think they are superb :cool:

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