Noted, but I wondered how you gots so damaged? :confused:
By having to work excessively on 'sprung' wooden floors. All games were played at very high levels by talented and enthusiastic students. Every landing of every step was down hard on a hard floor - no sliding to reduce the down pressure and then the instant recoil up the leg from the sprung flooring.
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yer but they got one for putting up with your guff :p:D:D
The senior staff and others who got on my wick, maybe.
But the prezzies I got from the kids, colleagues, the cards, the number of peeps who turned up to my leaving do and laughed lots throughout my 1/2 hour speech. And years later tell me how the place isn't the same since I left, or ex students and staff who are still in contact with me.
All that is priceless. :):):):)
The fact I had so much back up from colleagues and students was what really upset some of the starchy senior staff.;)
Non-conformism has always been my creed!!!:D:D:D:D:D

So now you poor lot get to put up with my "guff":D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Trophy's all round!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
O'de@r how long is th@t for, g@s n leccy question m@rk :eek:
Yep, both. Couldn't tell you exactly but they tell me once a month. But as I said our monthly direct debit doesn't cover it.
We are leaving it at this level as we know that when we go away for 6 months the DD will then pay it all off and leave us in credit.
They ain't bovvad cos if they woz they'd tell me. In fact we have gone along with their suggested level of DD so they can hardly say "oh, no, that's not enuff." !!!:D:D:D:D:D
The senior staff and others who got on my wick, maybe.
But the prezzies I got from the kids, colleagues, the cards, the number of peeps who turned up to my leaving do and laughed lots throughout my 1/2 hour speech. And years later tell me how the place isn't the same since I left, or ex students and staff who are still in contact with me.
All that is priceless. :):):):)
The fact I had so much back up from colleagues and students was what really upset some of the starchy senior staff.;)
Non-conformism has always been my creed!!!:D:D:D:D:D

So now you poor lot get to put up with my "guff":D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Trophy's all round!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

A Tardis???


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