Learned anoo fing tudday
be@n @bout for ye@rs ye c@ny tell me youve nev@ be@n to one
Learned anoo fing tudday
It has been a cold but pleasant day today. I trust all my LZ family are in good spirits if not health!
I did my CSE exams 1980. I took English and Maths 'O' levels at night school and got a 'B' in both in 1983. I took 'Vehicle Maintenance' as a CSE (and French but don't tell Stan) and a few others. My school would not put me in for O Levels as I was a bit er obstructive......
Deep.Just because you haven’t found your talent yet, doesn’t mean you don’t have one.
Just because you haven’t found your talent yet, doesn’t mean you don’t have one.
Is it the same as doggin' ?be@n @bout for ye@rs ye c@ny tell me youve nev@ be@n to one![]()
I like this!I had that sort of experience too. We tended to move house a lot when I was a child because my father didn't like sticking at a job for any length of time, but comprehensivisation followed me around the country and my secondary education was always at places that had just been reorganised. It was chaos. I'm not saying that selective education is necessarily any better than comprehensives, but the teachers seemed to be demoralised and overwhelmed and the unruly children seemed to delight in tipping them over the edge. This being the 1970s, there was still a culture of lunchtime drinking among some of the teaching staff as well. Having said that, in those days teachers' holidays really were holidays, and they lived in houses which nowadays are changing hands for about three quarters of a million pounds and would be far beyond the reach of most teachers today. So they didn't have it too bad.
I thought it would be about dogging sites.Learned anoo fing tudday
Apparently, I have a talent for pee-ing people off. Who knew?Just because you haven’t found your talent yet, doesn’t mean you don’t have one.
Couldn't agree more.All this talk of beingtaughted learned edjumacatedyou know what I mean that stuff which is supposed to happen at skool. will set Stan off you nose.
To be honest sometimes I feel like some of the kids of today need to be put to work at 13, then asked at 15/16 if they want to get an education proper like. Some of them come across as "the world owes me" and that sure as hell dont go down well with me.
I was not the best at school, but did enjoy some subjects. Which really can be down to the teacher. I can say I learnt enough at school to get me a decent level of education, but being in the outside world so makes you realise what you really want and to achieve that will take work. Its at that point you really start learning.
We had breaded veal tonight.Make your own then. we did some breaded chickens pieces tother night absolutely fab they was
Naughty hill!Superb! I would have been sent there during class![]()
Still trying to work out why you had to buy a noo car when the driver wasn't you and the damage was done by another driver.yer it bounced @w@y with his red nose lit up![]()
I've said this before but it is worth repeating.I got m@de to t@ke frog c@use eye w@snt clever enough to t@ke sp@nish
eye h@ted it too, nev@ been to frogl@nd but st@yed in sp@in, le@rnt sp@nish from
writing in the s@nd from @ book when i got @ non english spe@king girl friend.![]()