New people have started to move in next door. Just when we were used to the quiet, guess what, they have two dogs and they howl louder than the 6 that left before Christmas......
Are they louder than a grinder at 05.00hrs? Followed up by welder flashes.

in the past week I have found my neighbours are happy with me to make a noise in the garden,it keeps their child awake during the day
Can’t wait to go back to normality
I think there is a bona-fide much longer string of Had's out there that is grammatically correct. :D
stick a comma after the second 'had' and then it is easier to comprehend.:)
Still ill..nasal spray from doctors as mucus at back of throat preventing me from swallowing.
Don’t do doctors/sickness. And all the time I had off over Christmas Iv not been up to much :mad:
Oh well at least I’m alive and prepping for return to work
Oh dear. That doesn't sound good.
Hope you get over it soon.:(:(:(:(
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New people have started to move in next door. Just when we were used to the quiet, guess what, they have two dogs and they howl louder than the 6 that left before Christmas......

ffs :(:( we used to h@ve @ dog close by @s soon @s the peeps went out the dog b@rked
const@ntly until they returned :mad::mad: they @lso h@ve @ son who growled like @n @nim@l @ll d@y long he spent most of his time bouncing n growling on his tr@mpoline drive you round the bend :mad:
we h@d @nother neighbour who moved in @ for six months they thought it w@s some kind of @nim@l.

now the dog is de@d n the kid is in hiqh school.

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