Hicap phill
Well-Known Member
No enthusiasm?
No been busy. Can't let a good company down.
No enthusiasm?
Yer meenz vat terday iz termorrerzez istory?Eye bin finking terday. Int we lucky someone invented the photo camera many years ago. And later on the moving photo camera. Betterer known as the video camera. Fer me it be the bestest invention eye can fink of wot we as. Tis given up recordings from many year ago that we can appreciate now. Recording all thems moments int time which peeps thought wood be lost. I wonder wot they would think if they realised at the time the photo/video they took would see them emortalised int future, stuck int time. Too much of history has become the forgotten past. But not all thanks ter photo and video camera.
yer be reet anorlYer meenz vat terday iz termorrerzez istory?
Don't believe everything your told! We have some wonderful weather here, usually when the rest of the UK is suffering from the poor weather from the east.You're in Wales, rain is promised for the rest of your life.
did yer find an eated steering wheel switch?Don't believe everything your told! We have some wonderful weather here, usually when the rest of the UK is suffering from the poor weather from the east.We need the rain to keep our wonderful Principality GREEN.
I lived in west Berkshire for 25 years!
No! I looked and I ain't got one.did yer find an eated steering wheel switch?
You'd best go and have a snooze.Eye have just eated two sossij rolls
Socks arrived this morning but ..... the snow and ice has disappeared!!!!!!Glad to help, fingers crossed you don’t have to use them much.