Bliddy Octopus will not open properly.
Guess their site is overloaded as many must have got their bills today just like us.
We've used on average 10 kwhs of electric per day.
I see some on here only use 2, how the feck is that possible?
and 48 kwhs of gas a day.

We dunt waste lectric like some do. My friends wife never turns anyfink oft. Opens windows to regulate the heating temp. Their bills are frew the roof.
The only continuous background stuff we power is: castle alarm, fridge, freezer, 3x fire larms, flood lite pir's and their lites when triggered, gas combi boiler lectronics, boiler controller. All uvva stuff is switched oft, like mycrow wave, phooters, fone chargers, alarm clocks, telly, freesat, washer etc. Nowt left on standby unless we is coming back soon. We hassa lite onner timer controlled by the heating system. Its plug uses a tiny amount ov lectric.
We cook wiv da mycrow wave only and slow cookerer. Our oven is lectric. Not used it ferra year. It drinks lectric like yer wooden't believe. It does limit yer to wot yer can cook. But that will change when we gerra ninja air fryer un argos give me more discount vowchairs. Air fryers use a bit more lectric than mycrow waves. Power in and the time it takes ter cook fings is generally higher in air fryers when compared to mycrow waves. But yer have ter way fings up in life. Mycrow waves cant roast spuds. Air fryers can if yer gettid the rite one. Eye aint hadda roast spud fer over a year.
Flood lites are LED. All inside lites are low energy. Garage is a 4 foot toob but that will change to LED when eye put up the second hand LED lites from wuk. We turn lites oft when leaving a room unless we is back soon. All ov this is done ter save money and the environment. We is fortunate to be able to have the sovs to buy more leccy but on principle only use wot we need. It dunt take much ter change yer way ov living to do this. Luckily me crispmus tree finks putting lites on them is distasteful un tacky. Er nuvva saving there.
Only put the heating on yesdi ferra test. Arf our today as eye was cold anorl. When eye asked in AG about fancy controllers peeps poo'd on the eye dear. Peeps may laff at the 20 minnits it took to replace batt tree's yesdi, and prime me boiler to 1 bar assit fergot its pressure, but my system can heat individual rooms as and when required. So we only heat wots needed. 2 rads wiv no valve to stop the boiler kettling, baff room and lower hall. 6 rads wiv system controlled valve control. 5 temp sensors: kitchen, living, dining, front beds share, rear bed. Rooms are generally set on lower heats in the background. Frost protection fer over nite. We trigger the rooms we want warm as needed manually by twisting the rad controller or by fone app. App allows yer to control individual room temp, at user chosen times ov the day, which we does to heat me castle generally. Remote access via web to control it so if we stay oot it we can delay it coming on. Options to auto knock it oft when yer go oot. Graphs recorded so we know whats happening now and int past. So we is very efficient on gas use. Gas fer ott watta and heating rads only.
We has economy 7 lectric. Eye dunt know when it starts and stops. Ovo wont tell me. We get 7 hours between a period ov about 9 or 10 eye fink. Instead they tell me to gerra smart meter. That puts them in breach ov contract as eye cant benefit from a feature ov the contract if they won't tell me the times. So to miff them oft eye ignore their constant requests ferra smart meter. Eye hassa mechanical count down timer to use to charge fings at nite. Me fones going on charge fer 20 minnits soon.
All this may seem mad but the more sovs eye save now, the sooner eye retire