I had to view on map to place it. It’s Kelsay which is ‘round the west’. Was through that way last year on Landrover run. It’s would certainly be nice and quiet round that way
Doesn't Portnahaven mean more or less the same thing, twice, "Port" na "Haven".
We have yacht havens round here. Well, near the Isle of Wight, Lymington. Maybe it's cos they is posh.
Can I be assed to Google maps it too?!;)
My stars, I am so old.
We never had a telly till I woz eyt then we had Rag Tag and Bobtail, Andy Pandy, and Bill and Ben the Flowerpotmen.
When Postman Pat arrived, he was so racy.......:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

But of course, at that age you didn't get "weeds" significance and wonder why your parents sat with you giggling:D:D:D.
You missed out Magic Roundabout with all those druggy characters too:p:D
But of course, at that age you didn't get "weeds" significance and wonder why your parents sat with you giggling:D:D:D.
You missed out Magic Roundabout with all those druggy characters too:p:D
No, Magic Roundabout came later, ;) and was on later in the day. It was so popular that legend has it in certain universities they had to ensure that lectures finished before it started. :rolleyes:
Prolly an urban legend.;):D:D
And for five points..
I won't mention how you are really showing your age:eek::eek: opps to late:rolleyes:.

I don't really get bothered about being old. In my head I am still about 22.
Just that my bod is still playing "catch up".
But it is nice having all this experience, and seeing so many "new" things that aren't really new at all.
Though I could do without all the electronix on cars.
W has just said "magic roundabout is my children's age", and the youngest of them is 50!;)

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