did you have a blanket over your old legs while you were watching tv
Nope. Eye is not 204 years old.

Eye ain't into the gory side of it. I have an interest int historical events like this. Eye just watch it if ont telly or look it up ont you tube if something pops up and I wonder wot it were about. Was ont radio this morning breifly saying wot today's date is remembered for.

Tis strange to see wot happened back then, in a world so scary we couldn't understand how it felt, today.
Just returned from having breakfast out (avocado on GF toast) and was stunned to see the amount of RR Vogue and Sports (the new ones) parked outside, loitering whilst daddy's little darling grab their coffee and carrot juice.
Soup fer lunch

Us boys as med zoup norl.

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