I’ve got replies now .D. But they think I understand all that technical ****. I wouldn’t have had to explain just how useless I am before :D
Ah dint know tratters had lectrics. Was that an after market fit?

Think it must have been. James Martin just recommended tractor battery so they probably borrowed the electrics from them. Although proper tractors are more comfy, warmer, quieter and you can hear the radio so they didn’t do a very good job
Think it must have been. James Martin just recommended tractor battery so they probably borrowed the electrics from them. Although proper tractors are more comfy, warmer, quieter and you can hear the radio so they didn’t do a very good job
Hold ont tight eye is writing yer an hexplination. Be up in a few minutes.
I’ve got replies now .D. But they think I understand all that technical ****. I wouldn’t have had to explain just how useless I am before :D
Eye has read yer fred.

Yer lectrics are 12volt so yer will fit a 12volt battery.

Batteries is measured int Ah capacity. This is a measure of amps or ampers per hours. Thats a measure of wot it can store and wot yer can get out of it. A fully charged good condition 80Ah elfy battery will supply 1amp fer nearly 80 hours or 2amps fer nearly 40 hours or 10amps fer nearly 8 hours... Tis rule of thumb. Higher value means more capacity. That means more starts without charging it.

To start an engine yer need a sudden lot of power during the period yer using the starter moter to turn said engine. Peeps will tell yer it's a thousand amps... But tis not true. If yer measure it it will be less that 150amps ont most vehicles. Yer probably wondering why this is important. Yer need to choose a battery with the right CCA value or greater. This is the cold cranking amps. Tis a value which represents how strong the battery is. One with 800cca is stronger than one which is 600cca. There will be a recommended minimum value of CCA. The higher the CCA value the easier the battery will start yer engine. Too lower a value and it will struggle and take longer to start. Weaker batteries will struggle and yer may damage it by bending the plates int side causing it to not live as long as it should. Higher CCA is betterer fer cold temp starting anorl. Battery capacity reduces int cold temps.

Battery size is referenced int Ah and CCA. But yer also need to measure the physical size to make sure it fits anorl. Bigger Ah value batteries will be physically biggerer.

Yer also need to know witch type of connection yer need. The type where the battery lead slides ont top of said battery terminal and the nut does up tight. Or the one where the battery terminal and lead have a hole int and yer secures thems together with a nut n bolt type thing.

Dun't worry about it being a tractor battery. Tis not. Tis a battery yer can use on tractors. Real tractors not them fake fluffy tratters some on ere own. Its just advertising to tell yer a tractor can use it and promote it as more evy duty.

Yer need to get the battery connections int right place. If yer get one of them there rectanglar tissue boxes and put the longest edge facing yer... Yer battery connections could be ont far side int corners. If yer spin the box round 180 degrees the battery connections are now closer to yer, but the positive and negative terminals have changed side. Wot was ont left hand side is now ont right hand side. Tis important to know where the battery terminals are located on yer current battery and witch one is positive or yer battery leads may not reach yer new one.
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Me water butts turned up yesterday. Ah dun't like ordering fings ont line. Eye prefers going to shop. Problem is all the shops eye went to had damaged ones or they were stored outside and mucky. So I thought ont line buying on this occasion was a good idea. One is ok but t'other is split. :(

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