I keep gettin tagged. Me popup has lots in it. Ah can't keep up.

As lickable as ever then.. :)
I has dodgy WiFi and big fingers onna crappy tablet wif crappy predikertif text fingy. I can't even keep up wif the word association fred :oops:
Yer but no but yer should still get two quid back. But they probably have more centimental value than that
Yer but, £2 in those days was worth a lot more than £2 now! True, you are getting your money back but you are certainly not getting the value back.:(
As lickable as ever then.. :)
I has dodgy WiFi and big fingers onna crappy tablet wif crappy predikertif text fingy. I can't even keep up wif the word association fred :oops:
Lz was a bit slow to respond eaearli. Eggstra few seconds to load a page.

Eye is ont WiFi with me fone at the moment un that predick text fing plays havoc with me spellin.
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When I was a nipper we had one of them there draft eggscluder snakes. Eye fort about it yesterday. We dun't know where it is and haven't seen it fer over 25 years. It must have escaped. Eye hope it's ok and living an appy life.

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