Course i geddit, we spend too much time an money on "stuff", more should be done to protect the planet. Problem is they come across as well to do, patronising buggers wif nuffink better to do. Petty vandalism an ****in oft reglar pips by blockin roads an such is shootin yersel inna foot.
Course i geddit, we spend too much time an money on "stuff", more should be done to protect the planet. Problem is they come across as well to do, patronising buggers wif nuffink better to do. Petty vandalism an ****in oft reglar pips by blockin roads an such is shootin yersel inna foot.
Fing is it often takes someone educated in 'life' matters to spot the problem. Eye has always known from an urly age chucking fings in the bin is a waste. Over using the urf's resources is dangerous. Not everyone finks about this sort of fing. They is just more concerned than the average peep about the damge we is doing. They only stand oot because today, they did somefing to eye lite the problem. While annoying fer some, iffit only gets a small number of peeps talking and changing their ways, then it has done some good. Tis not all about stopping fings. Reduction is a start. They does preach some daft fings like immediatley switching oft oil feft from muffer urf. Society would crash of that happened.
Fing is it often takes someone educated in 'life' matters to spot the problem. Eye has always known from an urly age chucking fings in the bin is a waste. Over using the urf's resources is dangerous. Not everyone finks about this sort of fing. They is just more concerned than the average peep about the damge we is doing. They only stand oot because today, they did somefing to eye lite the problem. While annoying fer some, iffit only gets a small number of peeps talking and changing their ways, then it has done some good. Tis not all about stopping fings. Reduction is a start. They does preach some daft fings like immediatley switching oft oil feft from muffer urf. Society would crash of that happened.

No argument wif any of that, we too live very responsibly. They just have an image prob imo. Who needs anuvver bunch of middle class burks preachin at us? You get the feelin the Mercedes is parked just round the corner from where they've glued emselfs to the road.. :D
No argument wif any of that, we too live very responsibly. They just have an image prob imo. Who needs anuvver bunch of middle class burks preachin at us? You get the feelin the Mercedes is parked just round the corner from where they've glued emselfs to the road.. :D
It does eye lite the unfareness ov where yer born. Some have ter walk miles fer watta. Others drive merc's so they can vandalise a building.

When yer see em viv back packs it makes me fink they has packed to go onna day trip to do wot they does. This time ov year the road will be cold.

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