Was partially done to combat the exceptionally dry summer. But, too wet and you can end up with a hole that just gets bigger and bigger because its all too soft.
While it was a tough dig and (with just a trenching spade and bare hands to pull the earth out) the result was a very firm very tight hole ;) and we like those don't we?
Postcrete has gone off now so I slipped my big pole into it. It was very satisfying. :D
Were you script writing for the carry on filums back in the day? :D
Was partially done to combat the exceptionally dry summer. But, too wet and you can end up with a hole that just gets bigger and bigger because its all too soft.
While it was a tough dig and (with just a trenching spade and bare hands to pull the earth out) the result was a very firm very tight hole ;) and we like those don't we?
Postcrete has gone off now so I slipped my big pole into it. It was very satisfying. :D
Thought I was reading a Mills and Boon for a minute.
Ages ago I was asked what my cricut does. This is what it does :) I load a design up and I can cut a design on to vinyl.


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... I spent hours of my time and £140 to upgrade a laptop for my missus.
Ruddy disk cloning S/w was out of date and needed replacing but after 3 attempts it all got done. 1TB SSD on her lappy and running really well.
Not sure this is on the right thread!!!;)
Hope you do not have any problems with it staying up!!!:D:D:D

re: the pole erection post....
Just looked outside and 3 hours later my pole is still as erect and stiff as ever. I think it's the meds I am on TBH. ;)
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... I spent hours of my time and £140 to upgrade a laptop for my missus.
Ruddy disk cloning S/w was out of date and needed replacing but after 3 attempts it all got done. 1TB SSD on her lappy and running really well.

re: the pole erection post....
Just looked outside and 3 hours later my pole is still as erect and stiff as ever. I think it's the meds I am on TBH. ;)
Run a flag up it :eek:

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