...OK, its confirmed. I really must be a totally boring ba$tard and not really worth knowing (but maybe you all knew that?) - please don't comment as this may offend (or not)
After 5 years of regular phone contact, emails, shared designs and fixes/making of parts for him + 2 trips to Holland and other trips here in the UK I get a call from my "friend" to say that he wishes to dissolve our association and that he hopes we can be civil on forums etc. etc.
Why? Mea-Culpa I guess; his trike broke last week and I asked for "pics or it didn't happen, because we all need a laugh".
He had a serious sense of humour failure and has really gone off in a fit of pique.
Called me on Tuesday to say that apparently there is not enough positives in our association (his ego isn't getting stroked enough maybe?) for him to continue with it, so we should just leave it out.
Cheerio, bye-bye, etc. etc.
A real shame as far as I am concerned, but there you go. Some people are too far up their own fundament to just chill a bit I guess.

Not happy about it, but I can't fix OCD/Autistic/Asperger's for him.