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Afternoon folks:).

It sunday the day of rest, Or petrolhead day:). I have managed to fulfill both:).
Watched the MotoGP in Thailand today, bit of a wash out but then what do they expect middle of rainy season:rolleyes:, next year they have scheduled to end of Oct may be better:). Good racing though, I would have said sod it and taken the landy:p, but thats not allowed:rolleyes:.
Anyway SG F1 next, which at least they choose to run outside the main rainy season and at night so even less likely to rain:D.

But its been a lovely relaxing day, now the pool is covered the batteries are charged 100% by 1pm as we have no water cant even turn on the dishwasher/washing machine:(. Should I sneak out and turn on the hot tub:p:D.

Hope everybody has had the chance to recharge their batteries as it back to it tomorrow;).

Well that's another late night in a&e :(
Felt really ill while on my bike, managed to stop at a pub to get help.
Got to hospital and was tachycardic but nothing actually seriously wrong. I might have some infection though

Get rid of the new bike it dont seem to be agreeing with you:eek:.

I see you is feeling better now is the bike safe at the pub and did you put a for sale sign on it:D.

Look after yourself my Green friend:). Did you know you are the only friend I have who Identifies as being Green:confused:.

Get rid of the new bike it dont seem to be agreeing with you:eek:.

I see you is feeling better now is the bike safe at the pub and did you put a for sale sign on it:D.

Look after yourself my Green friend:). Did you know you are the only friend I have who Identifies as being Green:confused:.

Damn. Never thought about a for sale sign! But it's the only reliable bike I've got right now! Well, the Ducati hasn't broken down, yet, but it's Italian :eek:

I will be doing a lot of looking after, i think I've overlooked it for some time
It is often overlooked in the fast lane lifestyle these days, I have been through it too, which was 1 of the deciding factors to retiring early:).

If you burn the candle at both ends you run out of time to enjoy the bit in the middle:).

Agree with that totally. I didn't think i was, to this extent, though i think the recent news has pushed me to the limit.
I think life will be better when i don't have the p38 on the drive haha it's bad juju.. just can't bring my self to do anything with it
Agree with that totally. I didn't think i was, to this extent, though i think the recent news has pushed me to the limit.
I think life will be better when i don't have the p38 on the drive haha it's bad juju.. just can't bring my self to do anything with it

Just leave it for now, and relax with working on the series:).

Just logged in for F1 and it looks like its delayed 1hr cos of rain:oops::rolleyes: I may have to edit my previous post:oops:.

Well that's another late night in a&e :(
Felt really ill while on my bike, managed to stop at a pub to get help.
Got to hospital and was tachycardic but nothing actually seriously wrong. I might have some infection though
This is not good news. so sorry for you mate.:(:(:(
Is there the faintest chance that your position on the bike is bringing it on? Somehow putting strain on your chest/heart area?:confused:
Thought there was a Humber pig in service as well as a Saracen.

I saw a Humber pig in tin city and it has 4 wheels and the Alvis Saracen has 6. Unless you are referring to it's driving ability. Either way I think they are cool.
No I think you might be right.
There was a Saracen and I think a Saladin but I haven't checked. And with a 6 wheeler under/over steer would be rather academic.
Just checked and it was the Humber Pig.
The remark about why it was so called came from a TAVR bloke I knew as a cadet. It must have been "over 30 mph" as their top speed was only 40 mph!
Morning All :D
A good nights sleep for a change. :)
Cat smashed the bedroom door down at 5AM to get in for cuddles though. :)
Heating worked, but was all off by the time I woke up. :)
Have a nice day. :D
In the search for economy, I have turned the stat on our HW tank right down and left it there unless either of us wants a shower. Our system is so old it doesn't have a threeway valve or whatever it's called to divert the heating water away from the tank. I have the choice of HW only or HW and CH.
Anyway, it does seem to be making a bit of a difference.
Oh and by the way, your cat sounds rather big and strong!:D:D:D
...... that my elation on finding the split intercooler hose has been deflated.
SierraF don't think it is that that is causing the problem.:(:(:(
I have posted the problem in detail on my "3 pipes or 4" thread and maybe he'll come up with summat.
I am getting well fecked off with it!:mad::mad::mad:
In other news, we, W and I, have been wondering for a while now what has happened to two Brit peeps we know who live(d) up our road in Frogland and seem to have gone AWOL. (They used to be massive friends, looked after our place when we were away etc.)
Well she found one of them on FB and she (the female of the couple) has gone from massively posting to hardly at all. And her, we assume, ex is no longer a "Friend".
So we searched for her ex and found him too. He also has next to no info on his page.
This all took ages!
Common names, didn't help, surnames Ramsay and Watson.:rolleyes:
So we are deeply intrigued, as these two wazzocks had managed to get themselves into deep financial doo-doo, to the extent that we didn't see how they could split up really. Everything they had was sunk into a property that they bought at well over its value back just before the 2008 crash.
Still, his bro is a multimillionare. Maybe he helped him out, even though they didn't get on that well.
Dunno why i posted this really! must be a slow day!!;)
Have a NICE Sunday folks!:):):)
(Sun is shining here!)
I've got stuff on PB from twenty years ago when it was the goto host for linking pics on websites. Then they decided to to try and monetise it and completely killed their entire business. I downloaded all the stuff I have on their because I know they're gonna kill my account at some point.
I moved mine at the time they started charging, to imgur. The imgur site is easier to use and betterer as pic's have the same fixed link even if yer move them between folders. My ph accounts are still active. Copied everyfink I wanted from them. They keep emailing me to warn they're about to close them. Ah dun't care.
I moved mine at the time they started charging, to imgur. The imgur site is easier to use and betterer as pic's have the same fixed link even if yer move them between folders. My ph accounts are still active. Copied everyfink I wanted from them. They keep emailing me to warn they're about to close them. Ah dun't care.
Yeah, I get an email from them about once a week.

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