Tonight photo form my parking spot…
And no I did not see the cyclist
Look after it mate it’s the only 1 you have. Mine grumbles now and again so I give it the day off:). It can happen at any time from the simplest of movements.
I have been on light duties for a week after carrying a double glazed glass panel up a spiral staircase it’s that easy.

You need to do some arching of the back exercises:) dont do them in front of the dogs or the wife though:eek::D.

Oh and IMHO don’t wear a belt, false sense of security;).

You is so right.
I sat in my Disco the other day, having plugged in my Foxwell, so I had to get out to do that.
Sat in it with just my left buttock on the seat.
Got out to find my back giving me hellish gyp.
and it is only very slowly getting better.
I have to be SO careful which seats I sit in.
All through showing off to a burd I was already going out with, diving into a pool from some scaffolding, when I was about 18.
Such a prat.:(:(
I also don't wear a belt but I think I may get one for those occasions when you absolutely do need to do something.
But for now I just do exercises when I get up.:rolleyes:

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