Things in the garden have gone crazy this year, I have got a Wisteria which is in full flower for the second time and with fantastic growth still in progress. It looks lovely but is certainly confused with the season.:)

Roses went to sleep in all that heat and now seem to be making up for lost time, thought one of them had died but it's back and better than ever
Not a fan of shopping?
Not really, I get frustrated standing behind people that take 15 minutes to decide which piece of pre-packed meat to select etc. etc. :mad:
There is always that elderly person (ok, by this I really mean a person older than me, and I am older than dirt and twice as ugly) in the checkout line that has to S-L-O-W-L-Y pack everything into their shopping bags at a glacial pace while talking constantly to the check out person and then finally spend 2 minutes searching for the "exact change" out of their purse. :rolleyes:
I like to be quick, I am not there for the "social experience" of interacting with people with I.Q.'s apparently in the low 80's. :D
Not really, I get frustrated standing behind people that take 15 minutes to decide which piece of pre-packed meat to select etc. etc. :mad:
There is always that elderly person (ok, by this I really mean a person older than me, and I am older than dirt and twice as ugly) in the checkout line that has to S-L-O-W-L-Y pack everything into their shopping bags at a glacial pace while talking constantly to the check out person and then finally spend 2 minutes searching for the "exact change" out of their purse. :rolleyes:
I like to be quick, I am not there for the "social experience" of interacting with people with I.Q.'s apparently in the low 80's. :D

Or the one who picks a leaky bottle of milk and then waits till she gets to the till to swap it :D
You can tell I'm ffed off.
The outfall from our septic tank has taken it into its mind to be blocked. And we are so careful to never put anything down that we shouldn't.
Waiting to see if a neeb has some drainrods, he's out at the mo, but of course within a foot or so of where I'll have to poke it in is a right-angled bend.
We chuck stuff in it to stop this happening and usually we have no problems. :rolleyes:
Week 2 of me break in the sunny isle is underway. Different part of the isle this week. Tinterweb access is better so can keep up daily - as far as non kiddy fingers/mobile phone allow. Yous lot have been posting hundreds of posts, me tongue is well sore with all the catch up licks.

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