I likes fallin asleep. Am good at it. Yer just lie there an it appens. If yer doing too much finking it will take longer. Yer can always
Flippin cold an the M27 is all fonked up an gettin out of Turktown is a right mare.
1 hr 10 minutes to go 17 miles ffs.
At least the heater gets a chance to warm up.. :D
I gets the feeling LR might be regrettin stoppin Freelander 2 production. Tis a shame they is avin problems.
Why do car drivers insist on keeping fog lights switched on when they are in the middle of a long line of traffic? Do they think the car they can clearly see in their mirrors a few feet behind, can't see them??
Why do car drivers insist on keeping fog lights switched on when they are in the middle of a long line of traffic? Do they think the car they can clearly see in their mirrors a few feet behind, can't see them??
Ah dun't think they realise. I sometimes switch me head lights oft one notch if the car int front is low as it will dazzle and annoy them when stationary int traffic. Sometimes yer get a wave ferrit.
I think the thought process stops at 'is foggy'. They don't notice anyone else on the road, or the impact their actions might have

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