Yet another sunny day 'ere and I 'ope you're all getting the same.
@My Old Landy How'a you doing? I seem to have missed out on your posts so I 'ope all's well over there.:)

I was gunna voice concern, but then I see he has licked you. Hopes you is OK Mol.
We has been clearing the freezer. Yesdi I made a big fat kedgeree using fishy pie mix (cuz we had lots).
Today I has made an MOAC ( mother of all chilli's) with stewing steak as well as mince an a variety of frozen chilli peppers the power of which I has yet to ascertain :)
Ironically most of it's going back in the freezer :D
Meanwhile prep for journey back continues.
Put off our crossing by 3 days...
and saved £40. Result!:):):)
Booked hotel - €94 and no meals. Ouch! Campanile.
That'll teach us to get a bit quicker with all this.:rolleyes:
Have worked out a route that'll use fewer hills/mountains. Bit more pricey on Mways, but there you go. All cos I don't trust the feckin Disco!:mad::mad::mad:
Still, been invited to dins next week!:):):)
Plezzy sort of day was had today. Took a run down to the dottirs in me tratter with SWMBO, to the Deep South. South of Lincoln that is. Got fed on pizzas. Saw a few other tratterists out on the road and exchanged the usual friendly Landy Waves. Not much traffic or weekend gypsies on the roads considering its a BH. Back home again and settling in for a quiet evening. Two cars to service this week - sis in law's tomorrow and dottirs on Wednesday.
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