Please don't transport small bags of dog poo in your bicycle carrier (for transport to the proper bin up the park). Should one slip through and land on the chain it can become intrinsically enmeshed, mashed, chewed up and spread about the chain, the chain wheel, cranks, pedals and (God help us) the derailleurs, proving extremely difficult and unpleasant to remove as your beloved capable other half (me) will discover.
This has been a public information message, thank you.
Please don't transport small bags of dog poo in your bicycle carrier (for transport to the proper bin up the park). Should one slip through and land on the chain it can become intrinsically enmeshed, mashed, chewed up and spread about the chain, the chain wheel, cranks, pedals and (God help us) the derailleurs, proving extremely difficult and unpleasant to remove as your beloved capable other half (me) will discover.
This has been a public information message, thank you.
Tis a vital service yer provided there.

Edit: ere, did said bicyclist get covered in it anorl?
Please don't transport small bags of dog poo in your bicycle carrier (for transport to the proper bin up the park). Should one slip through and land on the chain it can become intrinsically enmeshed, mashed, chewed up and spread about the chain, the chain wheel, cranks, pedals and (God help us) the derailleurs, proving extremely difficult and unpleasant to remove as your beloved capable other half (me) will discover.
This has been a public information message, thank you.

Yer standard toothbrush all get that orft the deraillieur, quick dip in the listerine unit'll be right again
We are supposed to go out in the morning


We will see what it’s like when we wake up:eek:
Been light all day but still coming,:rolleyes:
We aren’t scared :)
Boots,hats, gloves and big coats on the menu tomorrow me thinks.:)


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