Ere @Hippo.
Been hearing about that winter fool cash back fing onna radio. If you pay by DD then it goes straight to your provider?
Concerned the nice lady who rang you might be that nice after all.. :confused:
She or er fiend ain't rung back. Tis a shame as eye likes talking to em ont fone. When talking to little ole me, they aint scamming anyone else. Eye is curious iffits one ov them there scams where they want yer to log int yer phooter and share the screen wivvem.
Sorry mate, just cannot skip over this.
This must have been totally awful for you and your family.
Cannot imagine what it was like.
Big sympathies anyway, even though it was so long ago.:(:(:(
Thanks mate, it was a very confusing time indeed. You get over it, but you always wonder why you were effectively abandoned by someone that was meant to love you.
I saw a shrink once after some relationship issues and he told me that it has warped my ability to trust women and that I will always expect to be abandoned & discarded.
So life has been an interesting balance, always.
But I'm still here, still kicking. :D
She or er fiend ain't rung back. Tis a shame as eye likes talking to em ont fone. When talking to little ole me, they aint scamming anyone else. Eye is curious iffits one ov them there scams where they want yer to log int yer phooter and share the screen wivvem.

So Mr Hippo, if you could just give me your bank account number, the sort code, the long number oft the front of your card, the expiry date and the three numbers offa back please.. Oh, an your Mum's maiden name.... Fanx, we'll sort you out in no time.. :D
Thanks mate, it was a very confusing time indeed. You get over it, but you always wonder why you were effectively abandoned by someone that was meant to love you.
I saw a shrink once after some relationship issues and he told me that it has warped my ability to trust women and that I will always expect to be abandoned & discarded.
So life has been an interesting balance, always.
But I'm still here, still kicking. :D
Not the same I know, but my mother and I didn't get on at all. (Putting it mildly) I spent a large part of it trying to please her until I realised at the age of about 13 that I would never be able to. So I just got on and did my own thing.
But I married my ex and after about 3 months realised I had married my mother. A better looking version but she still always had to be right. So I have a total aversion to bossy women. So yes, one's relationship with one's mother does affect your relationships with women for the rest of your life. Sympathise mate.
So my point is that I wished from an early age that my mother would go, or that I would be "taken away". Going to boarding school was heaven for me for this reason. Weeks away from the cow. So I ended up with the same feelings about my ex, i.e "Could you please just go away?".
So the day she announced she was leaving me felt like all my Christmases in one!
Am I an awful person?
Dunno really. Maybe just feel guilty a lot thanks to my ma.:(:(:(
Day oft wuk. So far eye has gorrup late. Bin int baff and had me brekfust. Eye is now avvin a rest.

It's Friday ...

Friday is my day off of my paid employment ...

So far, I've been to Dads, given him his thyroxine pills, got him up, washed, dressed ... and a cuppa ...

Went to the shops for him ... came back gave him breakfast ...

Social Worker came at 09:30 for an hour or so ...

Did some ironing, vacuuming and then cooked im some lunch and more tea ...

Washed up, left him with some cakes and bicckies for the arvo and came home via the car spares place ...

Picked up some spark plugs and a cam cover gasket ...

Tea and yogurt and fruit ...

Sitting with a very purry cat now ...
Interesting thing I read on the tinterweb o_O


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