Well got up very late today as the weather is meh, too wet to do any more jointing. (whoopee!)
Will be orf later to pick up another bag of the stuff. Wonderin what @Hippo will be using and if it is cheaper int UK?
Then back out again for a meal and a larf with friends and neighbours down the farmer's market!
Very muggy here, obvs.
Does any one else get awful wind after eating hard cheese? Kept me up, or rather woke me up and din't let me get back to sleep for ages.:(:(:(

or this:
Did you dilute it wiv white spirit or use it neat?
Started using it neat after warming it up in a bowl of hot water. The last bit in the spray gun was a bit thick so diluted it with a little white spirit. Was using the clear stuff as it was being applied on the insides of the cross member (only the outer parts, the main section was already done). I've got a nearly full can of black which I was gonna put on the outsides of the chassis, but only got as far as doing the front dumb irons (which are still good) and the rear cross member innards. But I am toying with the idea of doing the outsides of the chassis with linseed oil.
Started using it neat after warming it up in a bowl of hot water. The last bit in the spray gun was a bit thick so diluted it with a little white spirit. Was using the clear stuff as it was being applied on the insides of the cross member (only the outer parts, the main section was already done). I've got a nearly full can of black which I was gonna put on the outsides of the chassis, but only got as far as doing the front dumb irons (which are still good) and the rear cross member innards. But I am toying with the idea of doing the outsides of the chassis with linseed oil.
I have heard of companies that do this professionally, who drill holes in the chassis, then plug them with plastic plugs, then fill the chassis up with diluted Waxoyl.
Then once it is full they pull the plugs and allow it to drain out.
Must be messy and use a lot of stuff.:eek:
But it must get into all the inaccessible nooks and crannies that you can miss with a spray gun and an extension tube. ;)
Put some 'old' petrol in the bike today, from before the E10 stuff came in.. blimey, it was like a different bike!! Absolutely flew along!!



Here's a tip. If you find yourself lost and alone in the woods, start talking politics and someone will show up to argue with you.
Do you have "Nextdoor" in the US of A?
If you do, avoid it like the plague.
Tis a huge dose of Karens trying to out-Karen one another. Or virtue signal. I goes on there to take-a-the peeeess and they've made me some kind of a "lead"!!!!
God help them!!:D:D:D:D
Did you read my reply to @Hippo (I think) where I described how we transport our three cockers on the back seat of a car, all securely harnessed in? They love it and we can then ram the boot with stuff too.;)
Us boys av seen this, indeed us bro du do it wiv his gfs lurcher. Tiddun possible tu harness up seven ravening hellhounds ont back seat uv Hippocrates though!

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