Just ad me toast. Trouble is, tiddun nuff. I can feel an egg comin on.Ah might spoil meself and av some toast anorl
Vats a proper Ota, an a toy one anorl.Just seen one of me childhood toys ont tell. Twas me first 4x4 and it had a winch anorl. Looks a bit like a Freelander.
Poached or scrambled?Just ad me toast. Trouble is, tiddun nuff. I can feel an egg comin on.
Phart phodder!!Just ad me toast. Trouble is, tiddun nuff. I can feel an egg comin on.
he'll be a scrambler. mubbe a brace.Poached or scrambled?
Tis indeed. Bedder art than in, I say.Phart phodder!!
Tis tru. Coffee 'em sticks in they be instant, an Morrisons value instant 'norl.When ah was a nipper ah din't like certain chocolate. Like the strawberry, orange and coffee chocolates int tins like roses. Now I is all growed up ah can eat them all now. But not the coffe ones as they is still orrible.
Agreed. Uz'll put it ter Parlymint. That'll give lazy buggers some more ter squeal abart.Chocolates with coffe in em should carry an elf warning
Still rennin yer. Uz buys be werrin uz hats.Tas stopped raining but looks like it wants to start again
Iz yer shoer boot that?Back for dinner. I'm still alive.