Had a bit of a turn at work today. Second time in three weeks. Probably need to slow down a bit :rolleyes:

We have told you before stop running around like a 20yr old. Have you thought about retiring;) oh yeah you tried that:oops:. Maybe you need to rethink which end of the candle you prefer to burn? the work end or the Me/Family end:D.
Anyway hope you are better today :).

We have told you before stop running around like a 20yr old. Have you thought about retiring;) oh yeah you tried that:oops:. Maybe you need to rethink which end of the candle you prefer to burn? the work end or the Me/Family end:D.
Anyway hope you are better today :).

I have been a little befudled but I was amazed at how quickly I was seen by the Doctor today. In fact I went on the app at 7.30 and they phoned at 9.00 to tell me to go in at 2.30 :eek:
I have just got back and happy to say still breathing :p
...that I completed another 10 mile ride to test the capacity of the e-bike batteries. :)
It seems I can get 20 miles out of each 10AH pack so that should be enough to let me pootle around Holland in June. :D
Got my Covid Pass on my phone with no trouble. It seems it is only valid for 30 days. I wonder if it refreshes every day?
So log-on and get another one in 2 weeks time and that's a 30 day pass too? Anyone know?
I haven't read the reast of the thread since coming back on but no it doesn't refresh, at least not on your phone, you have to keep going back on and getting new ones, just get one to cover the whole period of your trip and save it to your phone as a document of some sort. That way you can either print it off or show it to peeps on your phone without having to log on.
Don't spose your' going for longer than a month are you?
The awful woman my son married has been royally caught out today.
First she pretended work had asked her to do an extra shift to cover for someone who has gone sick.
Son knew she had arranged to spend time with her new target victim because when she passed out drunk he read her chat history on her phone.
So he had the day off himself and caught the train and went over to this other geezers house to see if her car was outside.
Called a friend and said I think my missus is in the "XXXX" garden centre & cafe. Friends husband stormed round there and took loads of pics of her & bloke holding hands and walking around laughing and sent them to my lad.
Son comes home before she does and she pretends she's not seen this other fella and no, she's straight as a die and she's hurt that he's not willing to overlook her earlier mistake and she's been seeing letting agents etc. etc.
So when the kids are in bed asleep he will present her with the evidence that she is a lying 2-timing little narcissistic cow and suggest she just foxtrot-oscar and go move in with her new chap.
I haven't read the reast of the thread since coming back on but no it doesn't refresh, at least not on your phone, you have to keep going back on and getting new ones, just get one to cover the whole period of your trip and save it to your phone as a document of some sort. That way you can either print it off or show it to peeps on your phone without having to log on.
Don't spose your' going for longer than a month are you?
Nope, just 8-days.
Looked at me winda sill smornin. Its got air bubbles under the paint. Wood int in good condition. Not fully rottid burrit has been unpainted ferra number of years. Eye fort 2 coats ov primer would help solve gerrin the paint to stick. Not sure wot to do. Scrape off and put some pva glue onnit. Will wait un see how much ovvit bubbles up.

You can get various wood hardener solutions for painting on wood that's started to go a bit soft but isn't quite rotten enough to merit replacement. I've used it a few times and it seems to work reasonably well. Now, what I'm about to say will be heresy to the good burghers of Landyzone, but one thing I've found that makes paint stick to exterior wood is to put gloss paint straight onto the wood. It's oily and soaks in and is thus very difficult to get off. Then start building up coats of primer and undercoat and final gloss finish. Primer and undercoat makes a kind of plastic skin which is all too easily lifted by the weather or the wood underneath breathing.

I've got some Zissner BIN stain block and it works really well. Cuts out all sorts of staining and discolouration seeping through from elderly Victorian plasters and rusty radiators.
The awful woman my son married has been royally caught out today.
First she pretended work had asked her to do an extra shift to cover for someone who has gone sick.
Son knew she had arranged to spend time with her new target victim because when she passed out drunk he read her chat history on her phone.
So he had the day off himself and caught the train and went over to this other geezers house to see if her car was outside.
Called a friend and said I think my missus is in the "XXXX" garden centre & cafe. Friends husband stormed round there and took loads of pics of her & bloke holding hands and walking around laughing and sent them to my lad.
Son comes home before she does and she pretends she's not seen this other fella and no, she's straight as a die and she's hurt that he's not willing to overlook her earlier mistake and she's been seeing letting agents etc. etc.
So when the kids are in bed asleep he will present her with the evidence that she is a lying 2-timing little narcissistic cow and suggest she just foxtrot-oscar and go move in with her new chap.
That really is the pits Dan :( he is so much better off without her.

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