Helped a pal move a car trailer out of a tight driveway last night. Managed it, but I knew the tratter had issues, a seized alternator. Anyway, I had hoped to get the job done before the thing over heated, but alas the coolant got so hot it blew a hose. Fortunately besides refitting the hose, no harm done…lucky.
You got your tratter back together then?
got up late to ensure W looks after her back which has been playing her up more than usual.
Hens out, no eggs yet.
Weather, NOT raining. Does it EVER match the forecast? Usually, but not recently!
W is now trying to read the local rag and asking me every two minutes for help. Fair enough! glad to see it. She does pretty well. Wish we could work more on her spoken French, but trying to teach your wife a language is worse than trying to teach one to drive!
I've done it twice now as first wife wanted me to teach her how to speak English. But she did it quite easily, she just "forbade" me from speaking French around her. Which didn't help me in maintaining my level of spoken French but of course that didn't matter! :rolleyes::mad:
Have a nice day folks!
Ooohhhh Happy St. Georges day.
I found this very interesting.

Interesting but needs fact checking,.,.. He sounds genuine but just checking one fact shows utter exageration.

He said HIV may be as high as 1/5 in Russia... but we don't really know as they stopped recording.

As for 2016, the prevalence of HIV in adult people was between 0.8 and 1%, and according to the UN, Russia had one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. Approximately 95,000 Russians were diagnosed with HIV in 2015, and approximately 75,000 in the first nine months of 2016.

Big difference between 1 percent and 20 keeping in mind the drop 2015-2016.

Like comments about Hypersonic.... "Unless it has a nuke on its an expensive way to destroy a building".... I guess it depends what the building is though. If it were the whitehouse/pentagon etc its a BS argument.
I'm from Yorkshire and we tend to say "hen" for an egg producing chicken, but I may have had a slip and said "chicken" as so many others do.
We have had hens since the year I retired 2015, but we only ever keep them for 6 months due to having to return in Sep or Oct. And in the last two years we haven't had any due to Covid and Brexit restrictions.
We too thought about having other animals, such as goats, for the milk, cheese and eventually paté, but they don't go well with fruit trees, any trees, fruit bushes and veg!! And they can escape from anywhere, the only real way to keep em in is to chain them to a stake, as far as we can make out.
So I admire your bravery, although it would be easier if you were living there full time. I think you probably have a lot more land than we do.

Yes, goats need quite a lot of supervision in my experience. They seem much more attracted to garden plants, trees and bushes than grass. Even when tethered, they need looking after because ours used to get tangled up. It looked like they were practicing Japanese Shibari rope bondage sometimes. I think they did it on purpose so we'd come out and untangle them, so they got a bit of attention. They need a rather higher and more robustly constructed fence than sheep too. But they're so friendly and sociable it's difficult to be cross with them for long.
Interesting but needs fact checking,.,.. He sounds genuine but just checking one fact shows utter exageration.

He said HIV may be as high as 1/5 in Russia... but we don't really know as they stopped recording.

As for 2016, the prevalence of HIV in adult people was between 0.8 and 1%, and according to the UN, Russia had one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. Approximately 95,000 Russians were diagnosed with HIV in 2015, and approximately 75,000 in the first nine months of 2016.

Big difference between 1 percent and 20 keeping in mind the drop 2015-2016.

Like comments about Hypersonic.... "Unless it has a nuke on its an expensive way to destroy a building".... I guess it depends what the building is though. If it were the whitehouse/pentagon etc its a BS argument.
He used a stange phrase like coming into contact or being exposed to it, as opposed to having it. The exposure figure is always a lot higher than how many have gorrit.
Mornin tu frens. Us boys uppat 0500 tu ged dugs ved an leddum oat, then us ad big mugga tea tu start day propper. Dugs oat fer exercise an drainin along river at 0600 an back ohm an ower ledder. Yesdy us cleared oat us lidl wurkshop an now us ken ged tu us bench an tules. Wurkshop wuz fule of stuff leff oava vrum reparein storm damage wot tuke away us ole fren Polly Tunnelle. Us misses Polly bud nod avvin annuva.
Mornin tu frens. Us boys uppat 0500 tu ged dugs ved an leddum oat, then us ad big mugga tea tu start day propper. Dugs oat fer exercise an drainin along river at 0600 an back ohm an ower ledder. Yesdy us cleared oat us lidl wurkshop an now us ken ged tu us bench an tules. Wurkshop wuz fule of stuff leff oava vrum reparein storm damage wot tuke away us ole fren Polly Tunnelle. Us misses Polly bud nod avvin annuva.

Yes, that's the problem with poly tunnels - they're very vulnerable to weather. They're usually OK for the first few years when all the plastic is fairly new and supple and then once it's gone off a bit in the sunlight it gets ripped to shreds in a high wind. Happens a lot in Wales. One day I'll build myself a proper greenhouse.
Yes, that's the problem with poly tunnels - they're very vulnerable to weather. They're usually OK for the first few years when all the plastic is fairly new and supple and then once it's gone off a bit in the sunlight it gets ripped to shreds in a high wind. Happens a lot in Wales. One day I'll build myself a proper greenhouse.
Thissun were gude, oanlee 2 yeer ole an were dug in propper orl rown an weighted doan wi slabs an rock. Wind ripped it clean oat uv grownd and dumped it in naybores garden, Plastic cuvver intact, frame twisted evry witch way. Big disappointment zo us boys be growin in raised beds now.
Thissun were gude, oanlee 2 yeer ole an were dug in propper orl rown an weighted doan wi slabs an rock. Wind ripped it clean oat uv grownd and dumped it in naybores garden, Plastic cuvver intact, frame twisted evry witch way. Big disappointment zo us boys be growin in raised beds now.

Ah, so the plastic sheeting held up. In my many years of watching the demise of polytunnels it's usually the sheeting that rips. I think they're attractive because it looks like you're getting a lot of greenhouse for your money at the point of sale, but they're not going to be a friend for life. The first few winters seem OK and their owners are cock-a-hoop - 'It's holding up really well, they've changed the composition of the sheeting so it's UV stable', and so on. Sooner or later the ageing sheeting, as well as the plastic connectors that hold the metal tubes together give up in a gale and they're back to square one.
Ah, so the plastic sheeting held up. In my many years of watching the demise of polytunnels it's usually the sheeting that rips. I think they're attractive because it looks like you're getting a lot of greenhouse for your money at the point of sale, but they're not going to be a friend for life. The first few winters seem OK and their owners are cock-a-hoop - 'It's holding up really well, they've changed the composition of the sheeting so it's UV stable', and so on. Sooner or later the ageing sheeting, as well as the plastic connectors that hold the metal tubes together give up in a gale and they're back to square one.
Agreed! This was only 3x2 metres but had ripstop sheet and galv tubing with swaged joints and spring clips - I actually had no complaint about the thing itself, it held together well but was totally FUBAR'd by the wind which twisted it. I think if I'd been able to get a similar tunnel with a door at each end then I would have opened both doors when the storm was forecast and likely it would have survived. Lesson learned!
Agreed! This was only 3x2 metres but had ripstop sheet and galv tubing with swaged joints and spring clips - I actually had no complaint about the thing itself, it held together well but was totally FUBAR'd by the wind which twisted it. I think if I'd been able to get a similar tunnel with a door at each end then I would have opened both doors when the storm was forecast and likely it would have survived. Lesson learned!
Yes, the metal joint ones are a bit better but even they're a bit tender in relation to the winds we get in the extremities of the British Isles. I have a friend near me in Wales who has a sort of garden shelter/marquee type of thing with a folding metal frame and that gets damaged by the wind regularly. The fabric's OK but the metal frame bends. In fairness to the manufacturers, they've replaced it every time under warranty (it wasn't cheap to start with), but it's just not designed for the weather. I suppose that's the business model they've adopted - it'll be OK for 99% of their customers in sheltered areas of England and there'll be a few on the outskirts where you'll have to replace components, but they can still make a living like that. Then there'll be one of those once-in-a-lifetime events like in 1987 when the south east gets the high winds for a change and they'll go bankrupt.
Interesting but needs fact checking,.,.. He sounds genuine but just checking one fact shows utter exageration.

He said HIV may be as high as 1/5 in Russia... but we don't really know as they stopped recording.

As for 2016, the prevalence of HIV in adult people was between 0.8 and 1%, and according to the UN, Russia had one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. Approximately 95,000 Russians were diagnosed with HIV in 2015, and approximately 75,000 in the first nine months of 2016.

Big difference between 1 percent and 20 keeping in mind the drop 2015-2016.

Like comments about Hypersonic.... "Unless it has a nuke on its an expensive way to destroy a building".... I guess it depends what the building is though. If it were the whitehouse/pentagon etc its a BS argument.
Hyperbole may have crept into it in some areas, but I suspect the fundamentals are sound. How wonderfully has the Russian military performed in Ukraine for example. Ukraine is indeed fighting a proxy war on behalf of NATO at this time, and Vlad isn't happy that they are being equipped by the west, but it is preventing NATO engaging directly. The hypersonic thing has a valid point the certain destruction of one target is just that. Without a wider effect (like a nuke) its impact is small on a country as vast as the US (which is where the narrator seems to be from). I do hope Ukraine (doomed though it is) continues to resist.

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