I'm going right off of this Zafira ...

Trying to change the shocks ... first shock, top bolt, E18 star type, okay easy peasy ...

Bottom one, nope and then some ... started to strip the tines so I've stopped there, can't do one and not the other haven't got Erwin 'Get-out-the-Doo' extractors that are big enough as the bottom bolt is a E20 star type .... :mad::mad::mad:

Thought I'd be smart and Erwin the cam cover bolts off as they too are/were star type but are rusty as a feckin' rusty thing in Rustville ... lost the Erwin down under the rad and scuttle cowl poxy bastid feckbucketcarprannything ... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Tea and a butty me thinks ...
Afternoon folks:).

Started clearing out the junk from the next section of the east wing I will be working in:).

Considering we came here with 2 trailers and 2 cars and the shirts on our back 15yrs ago, I wonder how the hell we have accumulated so much crap in this time.:rolleyes:

So am gonna get ruthless cos getting fed up trying to find space;).
Have started to fill a trailer with stuff for a bonfire on the next non windy day:) Greta dont look:eek:.

Apart from that its been sunny but chilly, Has @My Old Landy made it home yet or did he take the long route home:D.

Does it look anyfink like this.......
I meant CARRIAGE clock, numpty that I am!
Morning All :D
A lovely day here again :)
I cannot get rid of the Saharan sand that is over everything. If you wash it off it turns to a runny mud and just dries again and looks awful.:(
It is all over the front windows and the tiled sills. Looks ghastly. :(
Sis & her new man John are coming to stay today. A good time may be had by all I think. :)
Have a good day. :)
Hope you eventually get rid of it.:):):)
I went into Bournemuff on Wednesday, it was issing it down and like you no matter what I did the windscreen just stayed covered in brown muck for ages!:rolleyes:
Morning All :D
A lovely day here again :)
I cannot get rid of the Saharan sand that is over everything. If you wash it off it turns to a runny mud and just dries again and looks awful.:(
It is all over the front windows and the tiled sills. Looks ghastly. :(
Sis & her new man John are coming to stay today. A good time may be had by all I think. :)
Have a good day. :)
Do have fun with your peeps by the way!!:D:D:D:D
I'm going right off of this Zafira ...

Trying to change the shocks ... first shock, top bolt, E18 star type, okay easy peasy ...

Bottom one, nope and then some ... started to strip the tines so I've stopped there, can't do one and not the other haven't got Erwin 'Get-out-the-Doo' extractors that are big enough as the bottom bolt is a E20 star type .... :mad::mad::mad:

Thought I'd be smart and Erwin the cam cover bolts off as they too are/were star type but are rusty as a feckin' rusty thing in Rustville ... lost the Erwin down under the rad and scuttle cowl poxy bastid feckbucketcarprannything ... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Tea and a butty me thinks ...
But other than this it is a fine automobile. :D
I'm going right off of this Zafira ...

Trying to change the shocks ... first shock, top bolt, E18 star type, okay easy peasy ...

Bottom one, nope and then some ... started to strip the tines so I've stopped there, can't do one and not the other haven't got Erwin 'Get-out-the-Doo' extractors that are big enough as the bottom bolt is a E20 star type .... :mad::mad::mad:

Thought I'd be smart and Erwin the cam cover bolts off as they too are/were star type but are rusty as a feckin' rusty thing in Rustville ... lost the Erwin down under the rad and scuttle cowl poxy bastid feckbucketcarprannything ... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Tea and a butty me thinks ...

And the sump gasket leaks ... well oozes ...

Time to…………….


it may even help loosen some bolts :)
Ha, ha, it is 'electric' but not 'electronic'! Just a word of warning - these things go like the clappers as they are the workhorses of factory life and are built to withstand everything that is put to them. 'Electronic' in a sewing machine is when it is able to dial in a range of different pattern stitches-usually decorative 'embroidery' type things.
I'm not trying to convince you but thought it better to put you on the right track so that you know what to look for when you do get one to suit your needs.

Here's a couple of pics of it , has been under the covers you can see at the back and NOT cleaned up for the piccy. :rolleyes:View attachment 261358 View attachment 261359
Ahhh! yet again!
Your saying "manual" made me think it would be pedal driven with a treadle like Wifey's posh old Singer what folds under a table and has loads of little gadgets that attach to it.
I did understand about "electronic" as W has several machines, one of them is a Brother and her latest Janome is electronic.
She is now going on about one that can scan in an image and then reproduce it electronically in embroidery. She tells me that they have come down a lot in price, especially if you can find a special offer.
She has a Pfaff in France, which is the one I serviced and got running. It dates back to 1971. She used it to make loads and loads of her children's clothes and her own wedding gear as well as the same for both daughters, and their bridesmaids.
Wifey tells me not to get an industrial one as it will go too fast for an amateur like me! "You'll sew your fingers into it!" she tells me.
She was at a machine embroidery class a while back when a woman managed to drive a needle right through her finger, through the nail.:eek::eek::eek:
So I think I have been warned off, which is a shame, but I do get it. I'll just plod on with what I have got, but thank you ever so much for looking it our for me and putting the pics up.
BUT other kit car builders ARE always on the look out for one, indeed a member of my club had one. So you could possibly sell it through a kit car magazine like Which Kit, if it is still running. I'll have a quick look-see.
Sadly it has died, (It used to be the best, and I won my kit from it!)
Anyway, here are a the current ones. https://www.google.com/search?clien...out+kit+cars&aqs=avast..69i64.11j0j7&ie=UTF-8

so best of luck!!
Again, my heart says yes but my (wife's) head says "No".
So sorry about this.:(:(:(
Auction finished,
Wifey got her silver joolry,
we got an unused, boxed, decanter with 6 glasses for our son in law's birthday whose hobby is whisky! £45. Not cheap but OK,
and we did finally win the carriage clock. £95. (Whew! Just! We'd left a commission of £110.) :):):)
There were 4 or 5 others there, some more decorated than others and one in a case, which went for a load.
The car, a Focus estate, petrol, 54 plate with only 10k miles on the clock went for £450.
We did look at it, it just needed a clean, (and a new windscreen, cracked across the top) Inside was immaculate. :rolleyes:
My ex had a Fucus, it had a habit of just cutting out for no reason from time to time, normally on a roundabout, which puts me off them. ;)
Ahhh! yet again!
Your saying "manual" made me think it would be pedal driven with a treadle like Wifey's posh old Singer what folds under a table and has loads of little gadgets that attach to it.
I did understand about "electronic" as W has several machines, one of them is a Brother and her latest Janome is electronic.
Anyway, here are a the current ones. https://www.google.com/search?clien...out+kit+cars&aqs=avast..69i64.11j0j7&ie=UTF-8
so best of luck!!
Again, my heart says yes but my (wife's) head says "No".
So sorry about this.:(:(:(
Thanks for your ideas but I think it is just easier to wait for the next gypo to come along looking for 'any old iron' and let him struggle loading it onto his truck.:rolleyes::)

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