And I can now see that some did have a turbo, which kinda negates my statement about the supercharged one being the quickest, possibly. :rolleyes:
I can see that she would like the heated seats and the Android thingumabob. Wifey totally loves her DAB radio,
Many wimmins are more interested in the superficial gubbins and less interested in how it goes down the road, as long as it gets her from A to B in comfort.
And at the end of the day the colour is the most important thing!!!;););)
Comfort every time for me. :):):) And space, colour less important:rolleyes:
Yup not messing about now I can move about better & bend down lol.
Went to the Chiro again today and he actually bent me about a bit.
He knew that I had requested a male student cos previously the female ones weren't strong enough. At one point he was really struggling and we both had a laugh about how stiff my back muscles were and how hard he was having to work to try and free me off! He sort of managed it, I think he'll do better next time.
So it's twice a week now for a while.
I did ask him about back braces. We are holding off on them now for the moment. But they aren't totally out of the question.
Painting that feckin Artex ceiling was a pain. In the utility obvs furniture couldn't be moved so i was having to stretch over stuff. Can't use a roller, etc etc. Gave the right shoulder a bit of a workout, but not so stiff now.
Christ I'm unfit!!:(:(
Christ I'm unfit!!:(:(

Walk, swim and cycle...gently. Start gently and slowly build up over 6-8 mths - post this you'll be a new person ;) [man, not a woman nor transgenderised!!] o_O

Oh, and yoga...seriously, start a yoga class for fat bastards/unfit duffers/Chinese Takeaway eaters/land rover owners [delete where applicable] yoga really nails inner core fitness:cool:

eta - if you eat take away food, STOP. It's over priced and full of the lowest grade worse than pig swill food of near unknown origin. Buy fresh and reduce the monthly food bill :)
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Walk, swim and cycle...gently. Start gently and slowly build up over 6-8 mths - post this you'll be a new person ;) [man, not a woman nor transgenderised!!] o_O

Oh, and yoga...seriously, start a yoga class for fat bastards/unfit duffers/Chinese Takeaway eaters/land rover owners [delete where applicable] yoga really nails inner core fitness:cool:
Cheers mate!
I've bought a pair of trainers.;)
I could do this far easier in France, but trying to get over there is currently a pain to say the least. We live on a mountain over there and walking then running up the steepish hill road which goes past our door would be a good start.
Over the past 3 or 4 years I seem to have injured myself or had a physical problem which has stopped me doing what i want to do and that includes the list of DIY jobs, Wifey's list, obvs.:rolleyes:
But right now she is actually committed to helping me lose weight, new diet etc starts next week. We think I may be lactose intolerant so we are working on that theory. If that turns out to be true it might go someway to explaining why I CBA so much of the time. I only eat a slice of toast for brekker and one other meal but still struggle to maintain my weight at 4" over where it should be on the waistline.:(:( And I tried dry January last year which resulted in absolutely no change in the waistline.:(
One of the problems with being away 6 months of the year is that it is difficult to get continuity with any sort of class we might start. I really need a personal trainer but that to me is so "wusssy" I won't entertain it. Sorry to all those on here who have one, or are one!:(:(:(
SEX!! Wild swinging from the chandelier jumping from the armoire SEX is good for muscle relaxation. There it is @marjon J, we've sorted out @Stanleysteamer health issues.

@Stanleysteamer , from this day forth to be known as Steaming Stanley the Chandelier Swinger :D:D:D
Wow! Looks like you've had a few oysters or summat!!!:):):)
This possibly explains why I was so sylphlike for so much of my life without doing any other form of exercise.
Better get hold of something/one, and no I am not going into details in case Wifey hacks into this lot. :eek::eek::eek:
on another tack, I am just watching our recording of Weds Car SOS.
How not to build a Kit Car/ Rod/custom thing.
Tis truly shocking how little some people had an idea of how to go about it. :eek::eek::eek:
(This is before the two watnots got to work on it, or rather "conned" some others into doing it.);)
My first two cars were Minis, an 850 cc De Luxe, white with a black roof, lost my cherry in it too!
3 numbers then VNY, 1963 MY. Sliding windows and feck off big door pockets. Loved it!:):):)
That one had a great engine but was rusty as heck, so I got another sounder one and started swapping bits over from tother. Guess that is where my proper car mechanicking began, up till then I'd only worked on my mate's bikes.
The second was a grey thing so I painted it yellow with matt black bonnet, roof and boot. It looked like a bumble bee!
Drove them both like a total maniac. Used to heel and toe double declutching coming up to roundabouts etc, in 70s stack shoes.:eek::eek::eek:
Don't know how I survived. Crashed the second one into a tree.:(
Didn't get another for donks until that one I "Coopered"with the MG Metro engine which really was quick.
I'll always have a soft spot for them. My grand son the one whose training to be a vehicle technician with the RAF bought an old mini in bits, put it together and got it running. I gave him a lot of books etc and he rang me occasionally when he had a problem. Still has it but won't drive the stupidly long distances, for a Mini 1000, that he used to do in it. They are fecking uncomfortable, and noisy!
But nothing handles like them. :):):)

Very funny :D:D I had my hms one up on 2 wheels when I threw a right hander 90 degrees fk knows
what speed I was doing but it was well up as I fought to control it my mate was screaming like a girl lol
It came down but then kissed the kerb on the nsr then the steering was all over the place. :confused:
I got out an the wheel was in lying at an angle :( bent the rear subframe feck.. I jacked it up in my
Grandads garage & put a rope through the rear windows & hung it from the rafters to give me loads
of clearance.:D:D
Went to the Chiro again today and he actually bent me about a bit.
He knew that I had requested a male student cos previously the female ones weren't strong enough. At one point he was really struggling and we both had a laugh about how stiff my back muscles were and how hard he was having to work to try and free me off! He sort of managed it, I think he'll do better next time.
So it's twice a week now for a while.
I did ask him about back braces. We are holding off on them now for the moment. But they aren't totally out of the question.
Painting that feckin Artex ceiling was a pain. In the utility obvs furniture couldn't be moved so i was having to stretch over stuff. Can't use a roller, etc etc. Gave the right shoulder a bit of a workout, but not so stiff now.
Christ I'm unfit!!:(:(

Paint sprayer is the way now, rollers are like a tdk90 cassette o_O:D
Very funny :D:D I had my hms one up on 2 wheels when I threw a right hander 90 degrees fk knows
what speed I was doing but it was well up as I fought to control it my mate was screaming like a girl lol
It came down but then kissed the kerb on the nsr then the steering was all over the place. :confused:
I got out an the wheel was in lying at an angle :( bent the rear subframe feck.. I jacked it up in my
Grandads garage & put a rope through the rear windows & hung it from the rafters to give me loads
of clearance.:D:D
Mad the things we do when we're young!!!
Never knew that!
Trust me to find out when I only have one or two rooms left to paint!
Do you recommend one?
I'll get one for when we have to do the lounge here! (At least Wifey never ever begrudges money spent on tools!):):)

One of my mates has just bought one, he painted his house then done one of his neighbours house
& that paid for all the gear. :) I will find out tomorrow which brand he got, im sure he said it was 200 quid.
One of my mates has just bought one, he painted his house then done one of his neighbours house
& that paid for all the gear. :) I will find out tomorrow which brand he got, im sure he said it was 200 quid.
Cheers mate!!:):):)
I do have a compressor and a paint gun but I have yet to use the gun as it came with a box of kit and I was keeping it for painting cars.
But I can always get another gun! I just wonder how it would work when trying not spray the ceiling or the door frames etc when doing the walls. Do you have to mask up like you would on a car?
(I have sprayed cars in the past but I borrowed a mate's kit.):):):)

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