Yup that is what they say.
I thort they were smaller but then TBH i haven't really given it much thort!!:D:D:D
Kind of put them on the same level as baby Ortolans. Not my thing really. Makes me think of "crunchy frog" from the Monty Python selection box..:D:D:D
Cos they eaats them bones an all with a napkin over their heads, and we think the KKK are weird!!;)
Oh ho, the shot gun that shoots round corners.:D:D:D
Who remembers the Road to.... film with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope where the gorilla bent the barrel on their rifle, they stuck it out the door of their straw hut and fired a round, which went round, and round and round their hut. They daren't step outside!!!:D:D:D:D
Road to Zanzibar I think, or maybe to Morocco!

I aint seen that haha
I have one but the bait they come with isn’t doing it for them. Need to get a bit of cooked bacon or something like that. They even have a counter on the to tell you how many times they’ve fired cos quite often they will remove their deid mates for supper o_O

In the past ive drilled through dog biccys n covered em in peanut butter, worked a treat.
Yucky dog poo put down the hole which is under their latest mound. :eek: They just don't like getting their paws dirty so avoid the area.:)
The problem with whatever we do is that they have got 6000 sq metres to play with so if we do succeed in annoying them they just move to another part of it.
Due to the prevalence of streams under the surface of our land the worms are fat and plentiful, so we really do have to catch them rather than dissuade them!:mad:
The problem with whatever we do is that they have got 6000 sq metres to play with so if we do succeed in annoying them they just move to another part of it.
Due to the prevalence of streams under the surface of our land the worms are fat and plentiful, so we really do have to catch them rather than dissuade them!:mad:

You can buy mole traps & put them in the tunnels but you cant handle the traps without gloves
as your scent will scare them away.
Dig up some worms & fresh damp soil then rub the gloves in it then find fresh mound & dig
a hole into the tunnel an stick the trap in.
You can buy mole traps & put them in the tunnels but you cant handle the traps without gloves
as your scent will scare them away.
Dig up some worms & fresh damp soil then rub the gloves in it then find fresh mound & dig
a hole into the tunnel an stick the trap in.
I've been doing this ever since we got the place in 2008, with some success, as you say they mustn't smell your skin.
It is best if you can spot the tunnels they use all the time rather than ones they have dug and used just once, you can do this by faffing about with thin grass stems etc, stuck down into the tunnels to see which ones get moved.
We have tried all sorts of mole traps but the old fashioned ones are the only ones that work!;)
We've also tried the battery powered things that make a noise. Load of rubbish!:mad:
In Frogland they have things which get triggered by a passing mole and then let a loud explosive charge off. This is supposed to stun them or give them a heart attack or summat. Never tried them but you do occasionally hear them go off elsewhere. Quite a laugh!:D:D:D

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