it was a choice not something I was forced into :)

As long as the ball stays in your court, plus you are getting Landy tokens then its a good deal:). I must admit that, when you don't have too have a job the reasons to work are yours and not your employer, the shoes on the other foot and it makes a huge difference:).

I actually retyred twice with +/- a year in between each time, the first was a little early (financially for our plan) so went back as money was good which finished the plan, second time money was better and just put the icing on the cake:).
Call me greedy if you want but We now have our cake with icing to eat as we see fit:p:p:D.

I wouldn't bother. It is a little game enjoyed by 'ippo to try to get 'special' numbers on 'is posts. :rolleyes::) When he makes it he 'is a very 'appy 'ippo. :)

...that Chicken casserole (with all the usual veg in it & using some of the Xmas super-gravy we saved in the stock) & spuds is tonights feat.
Just what we need on this cold winter's night. :)
Fire's lit and we shall find a film to watch..... heaven. :D

Enjoy the Xmas leftovers we had some last night on our Pizza:).

we are binge watching "How to get away with murder" on Netflex at the moment, its kept our attention and doing our heads in with the plots, Enjoying it:).


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