How much wud goes inna backa 90?

Sadly even now many tests are designed by men, they think we're built the same and we aren't, we don't even have heart attacks the same, although I have had that argument before on here ...
Hopefully as more and more women get into careers that were largely staffed by men in the past, there may be more balance in all this.
Without checking, this is running on my memory, but I think I am right in saying that men are often their own worst enemy as they won't go to see a doc until things get really bad.
quick check and yes there is back up on this:

Yep loads:-
O'dear that is sad, poor woman, that must be very hard for yous, sorry buddy that doesnt make good reading. :( :(
Cheers mate.
Having ME has made it very difficult for her to hold down a job for a long time now, this just put the kibosh on the whole thing.
And her other half's bad replacement hip op, which has now been mended but not enough to enable him to do his (quite physical) job properly has meant a change of career for him too. He now is nearly qualified as a driving instructor but getting through the final stage is proving difficult due to the DVLA being up the Swannee at the mo.
Still they are soldiering on. Always sound cheerful and not sorry for themselves. At least their kids are OK.

(I'd best shuddup now, who wants to read all this, eh?)
Nite mate and thanks for the sympathy!;):)

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