Very warm and now the suns appeared :)


although I’m struggling to see cos it’s that low in the sky:(
You can look at this two ways..

1st is your body is good & your brain is fecked so you dont have a clue wots going on.
2nd your brain is good & your body is fecked and you suffer knowing whats going on.

Take yer pick.
Sadly my body is fooked and the brain seems to be heading the same way. :)
I'm sure its a bit of age-related shrinkage plus too much alcohol for far too long. :(
Mornin orl.
Us frens on yer noes as ow us not be wun tu jib atta challinge. Tuday ev met a baddle uv Erculeen proportions but us be appi tu report that wiv grate elp vrum zooperglu an cloespegs us ev fidded nu geerztick gator tu Hippocrates (bestest 4x4 int hole whirl evva). It be is Crispmus prezzun.

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