Avvin problems wiv me video. Eye is trying ter putter mask over the registration of the tratter in front unnit it happy. Video as bin chopped up to edit un the mask fing int letting me put masks ont seperat clips of video that follow each uvva, propper. Eye has spent hours fighting it. Eye gunner av some tea now then re-save the editing file assa nuvva new file un see iffit helps.
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Just when you thought youd seen it all I found this today..........
I aint been in a car manufacturing plant, I went to the bosch factory when I was about 20 & got
absolutely hammered on the night, was sick all over the hotel bed. :oops::D
My boss went mental cause I stuffed the sheets under the bed & fell asleep but I was totally
wrecked an just got up & had a wash then left. He had to pay for the cleaning. oooppss :oops::oops:
When I was a rep I used to visit all sorts of factories.
British Leyland in Oxford was interesting. I asked the chap showing me round if the blokes ever changed jobs, as doing the same thing all day was so Feckin boring.
I knew a barrel factory where the blokes changed jobs every 30 minutes. Blokey said they were open to all such suggestions but the unions wouldn't allow it!
So we are back home now. Yessdi we went to St Just and Cape Cornwall which was brill as the wind was so high the watter was every where so took tons of pics. Still int camera so I will put them ont pooter soon, and the best ones up. The watter was a sort of turquoise colour. But St Ives was mobbed. :(
The owners told us to not rush to leave,even offered us to stay another night if we wanted! Never had that before!
So came home via Teignmouth. Wifey's choice. She'd spent time there as a kid too. So we've booked up for Xmas 2023, as we all joked, "If we are still alive!"
Got in the que for the fuel pumps today and after a few minutes of idling a middle aged piece comes up to my window and gives it a tap, apparently my V8 is too loud and it is smoking her out so can I shut it off, well a few things I made a point of telling her.

#1 Its running on LPG so anything coming out the back is water vapour, and lets be real nowt was coming out the back.
#2 Yes it does have a V8 rumble/throb to it..

#3 For some weird reason the car decided that idle was now 4000rpm :cool::D

managed to find a pump and her husband came waddling out of her old ford fiesta and pulled open my door and tried to give me a mouthful for "antagonizing" his wife, he tried his best to be intimidating but it wasn't working in his favor, it was just making bystanders uncomfortable :rolleyes:

He must of been 21stone and around 5'9 mid 50s with that usual "i'm tough" lecture most old fogies try to get across he did clam up slightly when I pushed the door open fully and folded myself out of the old motor :cool:
I'm not an aggressive bloke at all, but being a large human does work wonders in defusing a situation he did take a few steps back, while still continuing to give his spiel, after 5mintues he ****ed off..

Gent on the other side of the pump was laughing his arse off :D
How much effort do you put into whether your LPG ever runs lean or not? As far as i can see, lean LPG is an engines worst nightmare
the combustion temperature of LPG will be lower on a lean mixture, contrary to petrol. So no risk of melting pistons. By nature the combustion temperature of LPG at optimum mix ratio is already higher than petrol, which explains the higher thermal load on valves. Fuel enrichement will not reduce the temperature as there is no cooling effect of petrol.

You biggest worry with running a too lean LPG mix is burnt exhaust valves ;)

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