Mornin volks.
Us boys zaif back ohm tu Debn, menny vanks tu Hippocrates (bestest 4x4 int hole whirl evva) bringin uz ere in dubblekwik taime vrum Scottishland. Us ev bizzy day ahed now geddun ridduv cardbord an rappin paper (leff bai g/kids owz-sittin) an villin up wiv deezel. Us ev dugs tu walk tu, zince us as zent the Doris oat tu wurk. It be tuff but us zhall prevail.
Hows everyone today after the stuffing season :D
Been oot a walk with my mate & the dogs little bit of light rain with some blue sky tis very mild.:)

I may escape into the shed today to do a tidy up it, someone has made a right mess in there an
didnt put anything away :oops:

I feel fatter today..

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