
Job interview x 2 today, Bungalow viewing tomorrow then another job interview later ... Jobs are out there, and I'll take the first offered, then work out what I want to do 'properly' when I've got more time and less pressure on my mind .. ;)

Job interview x 2 today, Bungalow viewing tomorrow then another job interview later ... Jobs are out there, and I'll take the first offered, then work out what I want to do 'properly' when I've got more time and less pressure on my mind .. ;)
Good luck, I've got everything crossed for you.:)
Middling type of day, got offered the first job subject to medical, so won't definitely know for a while, maybe the end of this week. Working at Amazon warehouse, I chose night shift, Sunday to Wednesday, 40 hours!! Just hope my diabetes doesn't let me down, everything else was fine, the chap said.

The other said no thanks!

No worries, bungalow to look at later, so not too bad! ;)
Oh yeah, thanks @derwendolly forgot ... Too much stuff happening ... ;)

I've also been given a lead for a driving job, my sister knows the HR person at a 'horsey place' and says they've been advertising for ages and had no-one apply, so if it's OK, I'm in!! I'm over 25 with a clean driving licence, that's all they asked for!! We'll see though, too many cheap fly bu night 'drivers jobs' going to not be careful about this, no matter who we know .. :)
I would just like to say ...


Officially I'd 'technically' been knocked back on medical grounds, Glucose in urine too high, but that was 'cos I'd opted for nights .... So they just called and offered me days!! Means working weekends, Saturday to Tuesday, 4 days. 10 hour shifts, but it's a job and an almost well paid one at that, at Amazon warehouse. Start this weekend .. ;)

Quite happy right now .. ;)
There will be a Landrover delivery job going here if you fancy a career change.

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