Just nipping to do the old lady up the roads shopping, she had a fall the other day. Her son and daughter are too busy so she was going to leave it till Monday.
Some people don't deserve their parents :(.
The wife has made her a lovely Sunday roast as well. :)
Enjoy your Sunday everyone :)
See you are nice…it’s good to look out for the oldies they make nice cakes when you least expect it.
Just nipping to do the old lady up the roads shopping, she had a fall the other day. Her son and daughter are too busy so she was going to leave it till Monday.
Some people don't deserve their parents :(.
The wife has made her a lovely Sunday roast as well. :)
Enjoy your Sunday everyone :)

Well done Mr & Mrs @kurtjohnson10 . Over the years have had a good few elderly neighbours who've needed a helping hand from time to time. It's amazing how often their adult children can be "too busy..." My view is that one day we will all need a little help so it's good to help others whilst we can...
Well done Mr & Mrs @kurtjohnson10 . Over the years have had a good few elderly neighbours who've needed a helping hand from time to time. It's amazing how often their adult children can be "too busy..." My view is that one day we will all need a little help so it's good to help others whilst we can...
I love popping round and checking on her. My wife pops in to see her as well mate. She is no trouble and i am a great believer in helping people who are struggling. We all get to a point in life when we need a helping hand.
Din't need ter get me bacon oot freeza assit tripped again over nite. Went ter get me bread un realeyesd it wur oft. It is wiv evvy art that eye has ter warn yers tis not lookin good. Trips after 3 seconds. Bin trying ter keep im going. Gave im a rest ferrabit un put everyfink int fridge. Then turned down me fridge. Had me bacon then tried me freeza again. Second time he stayed ont. Burreye int leavin im powered like this. Tis not fare onnim tryin ter keep im going in this state. Not haddim long but e's still part ov the famlee.
You are right mate,
She is lovely bless her. Took her rubbish out for her as well. Thing is i could sit for hours chatting to her but then i feel guilty leaving :(
When you do the shopping,I would have already known what biscuits they really like & get an extra pack to go with the tea & chat you know will follow. The old lady passed a few years ago & her daughter was always great full for us making sure she was fine & looked after. We knew the daughter was only a phone call away.
As we have lived in the same house for 20+years we have seen the oldies slowly pass.
we now have neighbours younger than us.
Made the workshop a bit more homely by putting up my signs :D
MOL Logo fitted.jpg

LR Plate.jpg
I gots a roofer pal, little fella, scampered about roofs like a squizzle for years. No tower, no safety. Luck ran out an fell oft last week, was inevitable. Bust arm and hurt back, he's a lucky boy, was quite a drop..

That happened to wingnut, he slideded off face first an landed on his face, smashed his front teeth.
Makes me cringe at the thought.
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