I keep mine road legal all year round. There's always a few days in winter when the sun shines, the roads are dry and its not too cold - to enjoy a ride out. Just had a new pair of biker jeans delivered today, they have been improved since the last time I bought a pair. As well as the kevlar lining they also have extra cotton linings, and fabric like a string vest in the legs. Makes them a very snug fit, hope they don't shrink in the wash :oops:

Edit. Read to end of fred before posting! Donut! :rolleyes:

I've been thinkin of a pair of thems, Linky p!ease? :)
So, I is tucked up in the four posters bed. Window has blowed open and door jus shut itsself :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Cleared ours a year ago, lockdown had some good points. Is a good feelin not owin nobody nuffink :)

Nice one well done, we could have paid it off but I like a little pot of gold to play with, dont want to be short
misses wants the house done so noo kitchen & french doors in the living room plus a wee extension.
ive got a garage to build (when I eventually get planning) ;)

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