Dread to think what you were planning to make, stuffed tatty skins with beef cubes and turnips?
Baked potatoes are fer next Saturday night. Turnip and beef cubes... there wern't any fresh beef cubes but i did find some frozen ones so I got them, but fergotted I did. Turnip and beef is fer me casserol in one of them there slow cookers. Also got some carrots, spuds, leak and onion to go in anorl. :)
Whilst taking one of our semi-incontinent dogs out in the small hours of the morning Mrs Anatomick stood on ,and squished, a mouse on the stairs and then screamed at full voice for a good 5 minutes. Must remember to buy some mouse traps tomorrow or risk future sleep deprivation no matter how much wine I've drunk.
Whilst taking one of our semi-incontinent dogs out in the small hours of the morning Mrs Anatomick stood on ,and squished, a mouse on the stairs and then screamed at full voice for a good 5 minutes. Must remember to buy some mouse traps tomorrow or risk future sleep deprivation no matter how much wine I've drunk.

Get some ear-plugs too ... or she'll scream at every click and snap the central heating makes ...
Baked potatoes are fer next Saturday night. Turnip and beef cubes... there wern't any fresh beef cubes but i did find some frozen ones so I got them, but fergotted I did. Turnip and beef is fer me casserol in one of them there slow cookers. Also got some carrots, spuds, leak and onion to go in anorl. :)

Pearl barley ?

And yer address, so I can come and sample the fare ...
I think me spider has gone. 3 days with no web int side ma hippo.

Maybe this is the moment to suggest "Kate Humble's Spiderwatch" to the BBC. I tuned in to Kate Humble's Beaver Watch but it wasn't at all what I was expecting.

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