Crack in horse trailer. each side above ramp. No structural (No photos)
Was going to repair glass fibre & small plate as extra support.
Not the ifor Williams type but the french crappy flexi roof type.
If it was me as There are no supports in the roof section. I said 4mm flat bar following the contour & bolt to the lower metalwork.

That would give it good support, the only issue is keeping the fibreglass tight into the corners of the
flat bar as it doesnt like to go round them, much better if you can round the corners. :)
That would give it good support, the only issue is keeping the fibreglass tight into the corners of the
flat bar as it doesnt like to go round them, much better if you can round the corners. :)
Looks like I may have to put little slits in it and change/rotate the profile of the metal to follow the contour better (after making a template)
oh the more I think about this….

RUN….fast & don’t look back
Looks like I may have to put little slits in it and change/rotate the profile of the metal to follow the contour better (after making a template)
oh the more I think about this….

RUN….fast & don’t look back

It does sound like a pita.

We dunt pay fer wud. Swmbo seems to have knack fer finding peeps who are giving it away. Once filled up the Tratter in a graveyard after she had charmed the tree surgeons. Mostly sycamore.
Car booty down the road this mornin, all the good stuff has no doubt gone by now, but then we don't need no more tat.
Sun forecast later, nice walk with a pint in it somewhere methinks :)
Nice gettin it free, but then you have to store it for a while, which means having the space to do so.
Nice gettin it free, but then you have to store it for a while, which means having the space to do so.

You is krekt. Only a terrace garding, muchly fulla wud. Scored sum ukiliptuss las year, has spent a year unner the garding bench. Boy, that stuff goes!

Walked three hours today, wif two pints at half time. Is nice down ere. Trees is nice, views is nice, gee gees is nice, peeps is nice. Took the mighty Tratter out earlier. Two (well horned) cows decided to switch pasture and just walked uppa road, stuff the cars, couldn't care less. Loads of smiles from evvybuddy held up till they gave way. :)
I seem to be in Ardrossan this evening. I waved to @kevstar as I passed close by but couldn’t see him through the crap weather :(
Skies cleared eventually and I could see Ailsa Craig before the darkness came down

View attachment 250612

It’s the tiny lump in the distance :)

Fancy popping over to get me a couple of rocks so I can make a couple curling stones, im sure your allowed to get some every 10 years. :cool:
You is krekt. Only a terrace garding, muchly fulla wud. Scored sum ukiliptuss las year, has spent a year unner the garding bench. Boy, that stuff goes!

Walked three hours today, wif two pints at half time. Is nice down ere. Trees is nice, views is nice, gee gees is nice, peeps is nice. Took the mighty Tratter out earlier. Two (well horned) cows decided to switch pasture and just walked uppa road, stuff the cars, couldn't care less. Loads of smiles from evvybuddy held up till they gave way. :)
Take it you is hollidaying quite locally then!!!:):):):)
Spent part of today harvesting what we could salvage from the collapsed grape vine.
It is always a race between fighting the birds for them and picking them before they are ripe, although they will ripen off the vine.
As you can see from the pics, the fallen vine is kinda mixed up with the scaffolding.:(:(:(
Dunno what we are going to do with them. Too many to eat, thinking about making them into juice like we do with the apples in France. Making them into wine was not a great success last time. Too fiddly and time consuming.

And to think that all this lot came from one grape vine planted here in about 1984!


Rest of the day not been clever. Realised I had missed my flu jab appt on Satdi due to worrying about the dog, as we still are doing. Her tummy is a mess frankly. Altho she seems well enough in herself.
Sleep tite folks!!
Needed to do some hooverin ter day. Set me henry's a challenge to see which one could hoover up the most dust and left em toowit. Next eye spread all me car washin micro fibres around me castle ont shelfs, tables etc and put some dance music ont. Gorrum moon walking at one point. Collected em up for a bath int washing machine. By this time me henrys were worm oot so eye purrum ter bed int spare room. Result.
Good Morning folks :)
Well it’s stupid O clock, sat here in departures for the red eye to LTN;)

Just thought I would be the first this morning as it don’t happen often that I see this early on a clock:eek:
I will try not to do it again for a while :)
have a good week all;)


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