
No problem, it'll be here until one of the cats gets it.
May I ask where is the web? Have yer seen the spider or does it hide from yer? I found 2 of mine and evicted them from ma hippo but I get the feeling the 3rd may have witnessed this and hid.
One on top left of the windyscreen. T'other be across the vent on the nearside of the boot. Ain't niver seen the builder of that one, but the windyscreen geezer comes out from behind the sunvisor now and again. Tis possible he's resident in the visor I suppose and tapping into my power from the map light. Should send him a bill.
I was looking forward to the program ont telly tonight about that travel bloke going to North Korea. Fekers not on till tomorrow.
Smaller web int left hand side of wind screen this morning. Part built web ont right hand side above sun visor. I assume it was the same spider.
Me, I hate spiders with all their legs and their scuttling and their plotting to jump out at me when I least expect it. Fortunately my dogs like eating them so I get at least some return for all that money I've spent on dog food over the years.
Me, I hate spiders with all their legs and their scuttling and their plotting to jump out at me when I least expect it. Fortunately my dogs like eating them so I get at least some return for all that money I've spent on dog food over the years.

Do not forget , they like to sneak up on you when you are asleep with your mouth open, then they sneak inside, some lay eggs, some have a dump, others just tapdance on your tonsils . Sneaky they are..

Sittin on a camp stool under me brolly waitin for the builder of today's web to come out. Tis between spare wheel and door handle. He's gotta show himself sometime. Loaded 40g SSG 12b in case I spot the bazztid freeloader.
Well that bugger didn't last long .. went all in with three kings, got beat with three Aces !!!

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