It's bin very quiet all day - at least when I have popped in. Is there a connection? :rolleyes::rolleyes::)
No idea, the 2 stooges who turned up to work at our place decided to award themselves the arvo off.
Wifey went out at 11 a.m. to have coffee with her mates which lasted till 1 p.m. I did feck all really until she got back, Waitrose delivered, wifey declared that today was a day off. Went to chiro where we talked of sailing and other stuff while he cracked me around, he doesn't want to see me now for 3 weeks.
Opened a guitar case with my steel string Yamaha jumbo in it. Totally covered in dust was the case, took it out and it is still perfectly in tune. Amazing.
So tidying up the study is still ongoing. I think it must be a rule, the older you get the more cr@p you acquire. Trying really hard, both of us, not to hang onto stuff merely for nostalgic reasons.
Lie in tomoz as we won't have to get up to move cars off the drive for the stooges nor will we need to do poop patrol!
Am seriously happy for Shimmy, as I reckon he must be taking a walk where he hasn't walked for a while!!:):):):)
No idea, the 2 stooges who turned up to work at our place decided to award themselves the arvo off.
Wifey went out at 11 a.m. to have coffee with her mates which lasted till 1 p.m. I did feck all really until she got back, Waitrose delivered, wifey declared that today was a day off. Went to chiro where we talked of sailing and other stuff while he cracked me around, he doesn't want to see me now for 3 weeks.
Opened a guitar case with my steel string Yamaha jumbo in it. Totally covered in dust was the case, took it out and it is still perfectly in tune. Amazing.
So tidying up the study is still ongoing. I think it must be a rule, the older you get the more cr@p you acquire. Trying really hard, both of us, not to hang onto stuff merely for nostalgic reasons.
Lie in tomoz as we won't have to get up to move cars off the drive for the stooges nor will we need to do poop patrol!
Am seriously happy for Shimmy, as I reckon he must be taking a walk where he hasn't walked for a while!!:):):):)
I know what you mean about collecting 'stuff' ! I seem to have made the same resolution as you as it really does have to go. Mine has been made more difficult as I gave up a storage unit I had been renting for years so all the things had to be found a place in here somewhere. My gardener has been a useful re-homer for the big things - a scafoldling tower, a 'portable' garage, shelving units etc., etc. as just can't be bothered to advertise them and go through all the hassle that entails. The charity shops have made good homes for a lot of my craft items although there is a lot more of that to go! I've yet to sort out my husband's things - books, tapes etc. There is not much call for academic books in darkest Wales and I am left with acres of them!!
I, too, am happy for shimmy but I do hope he is not let down. Reading between the lines, I do not think his new lady comes without complications :(
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I know what you mean about collecting 'stuff' ! I seem to have made the same resolution as you as it really does have to go. Mine has been made more difficult as I gave up a storage unit I had been renting for years so all the things had to be found a place in here somewhere. My gardener has been a useful re-homer for the big things - a scafoldling tower, a 'portable' garage, shelving units etc., etc. as just can't be bothered to advertise them and go through all the hassle that entails. The charity shops have made good homes for a lot of my craft items although there is a lot more of that to go! I've yet to sort out my husband's things - books, tapes etc. There is not much call for academic books in darkest Wales and I am left with acres of them!!
I, too, am happy for shimmy but I do hope he is not let down. Reading between the lines, I do not think his new lady comes baggage free. :(
Agree with all the different things you have touched on here.
Except I am too tight to ever rent a storage unit. If things got that bad I would do summat drastic.
When my dad died I too had to sort out a load of books and piano music. Fortunately a couple I know are avid piano players and were only too glad to take the stuff off my hands that I thought I would never get proficient enough to play. but books......oh dear. I have kept quite a few and in my dotage I intend to read them but I thought I'd have to bin a load of others until one bookshop in Bournemouth said they'd take them off me as I told them another shop had said it wasn't interested. :rolleyes::confused:
I have only kept a few academic books but they still fill quite a lot of space.
I have started a crate for charity shop stuff but they can be a bit funny about what they'll take.
When I separated at 33 I discovered the "scene" was totally different from what it was when i was in my late teens early twenties. and now my eldest stepdaughter is about to get married after her divorce a couple of years ago, it has changed yet again. she has become a granny, by marriage, which kind of makes us great grandparents. Weird. And her other half is nearly as old as me. So she , and he, took on each others' baggage. And her daughter is a cabin trunk!!
Still, I took on Wifey's baggage. It can be done, as long as you can readjust. Maybe more difficult if you have never been married though. Crossed fingers for him.:):):)
Order just been delivered. Lovely Gammon joint for Christmas day, plus, having substituted my sirloin steak with a rump, we also found a sirloin in there too. So we is a steak up!!!
Why don't you just freeze your joints as they are, then defrost them as and when? Just askin!!

I could, but then I'd have to cook them when time is tight and I'd rather enjoy the company of my guests, still have to cook the rest of it ...

And if we get an unexpected plus one, just take another portion pack from the freezer and we're done ...
Mornin folks.
Comp!ere cluster puck at work yesdi. Our remote server host had a cyber attack and everything just stopped. No email, no phones, no Sage, no internet, nuffink.
Their workaround was a backdoor through Virgin, but they were under attack too. :rolleyes:
Those who can work from from home cleared off. I dont, so took the afternoon oft, had a coup!e of rums and a lovely nap. Good start to the weekend:)
Although it is dry as the day dawns the whole area is covered in a very strange yellow light. Warm though.

I've decided it is the weekend so I am making no plans except to plan on doing next to nothing in the way of work.:)

I hope you enjoy your hard earned weekend rest doing whatever you want to do. :)
Morning all tis wet here too heavy showers, I was meant to be working.. pointing brick work in
the rain doesnt go well. :( Plus I need a roof ladder from the job as my auld neebs next door
has a slate oot & she wants me to fix it as a paying job. I cant take any money off her id feel
bad. Nice to be init. :):)

Njoy yer weekend peeps.;)
Morning All :D
A sunny day here, but dewy grass in the garden.:)
BOTH of my lads are calling for Daddy DIY, I'm not keen TBH.:mad:
I've got a basin monoblock of my own to fit today.
Jiminy Crissmass when I was their age my old fella was already in the mud and so I had to be self-reliant.
They seem to be cut from a different cloth.:rolleyes:
Have a great day everyone. :D

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