@Hippo your hippo is looking very smart, can you sort mine out?
Landys last drive.jpg
You seem to be having lots of fun time, does that mean you have finished all your roof work without showing us the finished photos? :)

Fun time :eek: when :confused::D
All the slating is done just the ridge capping's to fit, they got delivered yesterday the metal railings
are fitted back on the balcony, started pointing the gable ive been at it for a week, I havent taken
many pics recently. I will have a squint through my phone. ;)
Guid morn
What a difference a day makes, from yesterdays glorious sunshine to todays heavy rain.
Got a call from Agency yesterday taht my Job offer is definate, Senior Project Manager, just awaiting a start date.
Have my Job Seekers call at lunchtime so can thank them so much for helping me find this job.....not.
Checked the Defender seems my temp fix on sunroof worked as dry inside and no sign of any leaks. brill.
Almost the weekend

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