And here are some - you have sold your house so that worry is out of the way, you have fuel in the car, your daughters are now settled in their 'hopes', you have a loving wife and family and ........................................... eventually, you will have a new house to move to. :)
Thanks DD, you are as ever, a rock when the world is a wobbly mess!
Morning All :D
Still here, still smiling.....still sleeping badly and still got a sore neck.
Lovely Sunny day here. :)
I've ordered a special orthopaedic pillow to see if it help me get a good night sleep.
I see the Frenchies are threatening all-sorts of trouble if we don't roll over and let them fish in our waters. :mad:
Can't wait for the day when the lot of them are turfed out of our territorial waters.
Have a great day wherever you are today. :D
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It's a dry day here, the wind has dropped and the sun is out - altogether a much more pleasant day.
The menu for today is housework, housework and shopping as well as the usual dog outing. My gardener should be here soon as the shrubs etc. need pruning although it is too wet underfoot to give the lawns a last mow and any day now the Pros should appear with all their machinery to cut my enormous long side hedge. :)
What I would really like to do is put my feet up! :rolleyes:
Enjoy your day folks.:)
Morning all tis dry here :)

Nowt else to say atm apart from my fkn pallet still hasnt arrived :confused:
Told me everyday since friday its on its way (lying gits) :mad:
Cant even call them as they have turned there phone line off so web chat only.
Virtual Gemma is nice though.

Have a good day ya'll :):)
Virtual Gemma is nice though
Virtual mistress. nod nod wink wink say no more.............................
Guid morn
Cracking October morning, might take the Aprilia out for a final blast.
Otherwise have a slight water leak thro the sunroof of the Defender so might just cover the seal in silicone to get it thro the Winter
and replace next Summer.
Still no new Job Contract.............
Why do some people always want to pick a fight?
I am about to replace all the fencing on my boundary.
Prior to this there has been a wobbly hedge and the line has never been very clear.
My neighbour is aware of it because I went to see them about it.
Today I find that THEY have put a builders line on my existing fencing and indicated a line all the way down the garden.
This is something I was going to do anyway, and I had told them I was not doing any fencing until we had agreed the line.
Now; my other half sees it as an insult and wants me to go round there and "Sort her out!" - :eek:
I'm very much of a mind that there is no need, and we will be working to an agreed line at an appropriate time (2 weeks away).
But no, my Mrs. wants to pick a fight now and "have words". I don't and I am flatly refusing to make what is clearly a sensitive situation for the neighbour a more difficult one.
Today I find that THEY have put a builders line on my existing fencing and indicated a line all the way down the garden.
This is something I was going to do anyway, and I had told them I was not doing any fencing until we had agreed the line.
Now; my other half sees it as an insult and wants me to go round there and "Sort her out!" - :eek:
I'm very much of a mind that there is no need, and we will be working to an agreed line at an appropriate time (2 weeks away).
But no, my Mrs. wants to pick a fight now and "have words". I don't and I am flatly refusing to make what is clearly a sensitive situation for the neighbour a more difficult one.

Is it +/- where you would have run the line? If so then tell the Mrs "I would have run it in the same place whats to argue about"
If its way out then You can discuss with the nieghbour politely.
Does the deed/ OS ,not give any markers or clues to help? Old fence posts/Pics?

Good luck but its not worth falling out them (even if you dont like them).

Is it +/- where you would have run the line? If so then tell the Mrs "I would have run it in the same place whats to argue about"
If its way out then You can discuss with the nieghbour politely.
Does the deed/ OS ,not give any markers or clues to help? Old fence posts/Pics?

Good luck but its not worth falling out them (even if you dont like them).

I think my Missus is just an awkward git and wants to feel affronted that the woman next door has put a line up without speaking to us.
TBH, it is more or less where I expected to run it, and I had promised the neighbour that we would both agree the line before ANYTHING was done with respect to placing fencing in the ground.
I've looked at it and I think the end panel of my current part-fencing is out by a few inches, and one of our sheds and its base is over the imaginary line.
All these things I plan to correct without a big confrontation or fight, and by mutual agreement. Why make a fuss?
It's 2 wimmins squaring up for a cat-fight, not something I want to get involved in really. ;)
I think my Missus is just an awkward git and wants to feel affronted that the woman next door has put a line up without speaking to us.
TBH, it is more or less where I expected to run it, and I had promised the neighbour that we would both agree the line before ANYTHING was done with respect to placing fencing in the ground.
I've looked at it and I think the end panel of my current part-fencing is out by a few inches, and one of our sheds and its base is over the imaginary line.
All these things I plan to correct without a big confrontation or fight, and by mutual agreement. Why make a fuss?
It's 2 wimmins squaring up for a cat-fight, not something I want to get involved in really. ;)

Would it be easier to agree the line with them if you can just "wiggle" the shed line so you dont have to move it. Then play that as a win to the Mrs;)

But yes best not get inbetween to ****ed off wimmins:eek:.

Guid afternoon

So have applied a silicone bead to the sunroof, weather warning for heavy rain tonight so will see if it works tomorrow.
Wee blast in Aprilia, still better than sex !
And I would'nt say that Renfrew is a posh place, but new Ferrari garage has just opened across from the Porche garage.
I think my Missus is just an awkward git and wants to feel affronted that the woman next door has put a line up without speaking to us.
TBH, it is more or less where I expected to run it, and I had promised the neighbour that we would both agree the line before ANYTHING was done with respect to placing fencing in the ground.
I've looked at it and I think the end panel of my current part-fencing is out by a few inches, and one of our sheds and its base is over the imaginary line.
All these things I plan to correct without a big confrontation or fight, and by mutual agreement. Why make a fuss?
It's 2 wimmins squaring up for a cat-fight, not something I want to get involved in really. ;)

Meanwhile while @DanClarke is posting on here all hell is breaking loose outside his house :D:D

Guid afternoon

So have applied a silicone bead to the sunroof, weather warning for heavy rain tonight so will see if it works tomorrow.
Wee blast in Aprilia, still better than sex !
And I would'nt say that Renfrew is a posh place, but new Ferrari garage has just opened across from the Porche garage.

Only LR would put a curved sunny on a flat roof :rolleyes:
Mine dunt leak much though :)
...that nothing is made properly any more. :(
My OLD DG windows that I had for 28 years had only 2 unit failures.
1 failure in the first month when a toughened pane just exploded one cold night.
No further troubles for a quarter of a century and then 1 failure at the end of the 27th year when a fanlight unit "popped".
The replacement double glazing (all terribly modern and very super-efficient) has just had its first failure of a sealed DG panel after only 11 months. :oops:
Its not looking promising really and it was over 3 times the price. :p

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