Does anyone know about Health & Safety when mixing biscuits? Is it ok to have, say, a hobnob with a chocolate digestive or should you only eat the same type at one sitting?

Fox's had a marketing campaign a few years back with a fake questionnaire on biscuit safety
'do you ever eat biscuits unsupervised' etc

Apparently one council made all their employees fill it in :confused:

Here you go found it
Just shows you can't be too careful. I had a rich tea and a digestive earlier, so far no knocks on the door so I reckon I've got away with it.
it's the class A gear like Bourbons they're after
There's a bloke lives down my street and I know he has double chocolate digestives and bourbons in his tin together. But he's got cctv outside so probably feels safe enough.
Does anyone know about Health & Safety when mixing biscuits? Is it ok to have, say, a hobnob with a chocolate digestive or should you only eat the same type at one sitting?
I think yer'll be ok to store mixed biscuits and to eat them. Best to eat all the current one before yer start ont next biscuit. Well that's how i prefer to do it. Normally leave the favourite one till last anorl.
Mornin' to you. I'm back in bed with me te whilst my two canine residents are patrolling their garden to sniff out who has passed through in the night.

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