Slow cooker does not appear till November.

Sounds nice tho
We like to use the slow cooker a lot as it's cheap to run and produces a good meal. Handy int summer as it doesn't produce the same amount of heat the gas cooker would if it were cooking the same meal. Hence the house dun't get hotter due to cooking int summer.
I never do any cooking. It encourages the kids to stay at home doing nothing but commit online fraud. Leaving the heating off means they shove off into town to steal food and bring some home to us after which I murder them in cold blood and eat the bloody lot meself.
@doriz Become a forklift driver. I drive reach & counter balance. So sit down all day. Switch the brain cell off & I'm fine.
Then get an electric mountain bike.
It's all the rage with the oldies.
& no I do not have one yet;)
Haven't tried the electric bike yet but here in lumpy Devon I reckon you'd get through bloody hundreds of AAAs just whirring down the pub. A fork lift would probably do the job and you could lift the mobility scooters out of the way as well. And if you meet a promising young lady in the boozer you can easily send her mad with desire by offering her a ride on yer Lansing counterbalance. 'Ere yer go, darlin, just look at the size of my side-shift.

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