In that case...
I would place an EPDM membrane (or glass-fibre deck) on top of a solidly constructed wooden deck and then gently put pavers on top of that, with slopes for drainage etc. etc.

Yes it was a grp floor that was on top of the timber previously. Im the only one of our crew that does
fibre glassing so I know it will be done properly this time, I will also put some vents under the subfloor.
There will be a run off with 3 channels for drainage. ;)
I've just heard my middle daughter has Covid. She has asthma and is suffering at present :( she is double jabbed too.
Oh sh!t man.
You must be very worried.
Do hope it goes OK for her.
The double jab ought to help at least a bit i'd think. It doesn't stop you catching it but it should make recovery easier.
My thoughts are with you, and her.:(:(:(:(
I had some more bad info on my so called pal and work partner, at it again priced a job told me
it was 400 quid labour for a job & 800 quid for materials, he charged the customer 560 quid for
labour. Cheeky coont does he think people dont talk to me, everyone knows me here, an believe
it or not im well liked lol :D
Still waiting for when he gets his come-uppance.!!!:D:D:D:D
Me gates have a chip in the powder coating which has allowed watta to get to the steal and surface rust it. Only a small bit but eye want to stop the rust and cover it. Eye have used vac-tan on other stuff int past to convert the rust to stop it.

Is there a betterer product to kill the rust. Paint needs to be black. Is there an all in one product to kill and paint over?
So do you do this often then?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Or does she sometimes say, "Oh well, OK, just this once mind!":eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

What she says is ok your leash is off and I do what needs to be done. ;):D
He asked me the other day if I would play a round of golf with him I said Ive only got
a putter left o_O a look of why/how come...I said the rest got bent as I wrapped
them round cnuts heads lol
Well today was interesting.
Got under the Disco and took the props off, well the front one and disconnected the rear at the brake drum.
Then got it running in D in both Hi and Lo.
Screwdriver stethoscoped the box and tranny box.
Sho nuff, rumble from the rear of the Tranny box. a regular sound like the one I have been hearing on the road.
Another LZ er has been helping me with this via Pm and he too has this noise on his. and after what he told me I think it ought to make it back to blighty if I am careful.
The Hooke joint has atiny bit of play in it too, so that will get done when the box comes off for the leak to be cured and presumably we'll have to see what to do about the tranny box.
Landies, don't you just love em?
Just as I was about to put the last 4 bolts in I espied two pairs of feet just on the other side of the Disco when I was underneath.
Two neighbours who came to see us, for the first time since we got here. so nice excuse to stop for aperos!!:D:D:D
(Poor beggars, three members of family or close friends have died in the past 2 weeks. None from Covid. two from heart and one form a weird nervous disease that left her so crooked they couldn't uncross her legs to get her into the coffin. They also said she weighed 30 kilos which i find a bit hard to believe but then.......)
Some others do have it worse than us.....:(:(:(
Hand up those who REALLY want @kevstar to film his convo with his "mate" when he tells him how much he knows and demands his money!!!!!!!
Like the scene from Reservoir Dogs where the cop is tied to the chair, etc etc.....:D:D:D:D:D

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