.....that i just got a massive email from a French friend of ours with tons of pics. He and his family have been having a whale of a time so far this summer. No hint of depression about Covid nor nuffink.
Such a breath of fresh air!
Think we'll prolly stay with them on the way back as they live in Cherbourg.
And they may just visit us down here before then.
Known the family since about 1982 and never don't enjoy their company. Met through doing exchanges with his school. One of my few friends who have known me with both my ex-wife, and then a girlfriend, then Wifey. Seen their kids grow up etc etc.
Given me such a positive buzz!!!:):):):):):):)
Yer know what?
Yer can take a good pic when you can be assed!:D:D:D:D

:):) It was lashing down & we got the full rain forest effect too superb:cool:, when we got there
the misses wouldnt go down as its quite a drop and as you said like a horror film. I should have
taken a pic at the top of the stairs. It took me a few mins to convince her as she was going back
to the motor. Once she was down and her boots were wet she fecked off up stream up to her knee's
haha :D
.....that i just got a massive email from a French friend of ours with tons of pics. He and his family have been having a whale of a time so far this summer. No hint of depression about Covid nor nuffink.
Such a breath of fresh air!
Think we'll prolly stay with them on the way back as they live in Cherbourg.
And they may just visit us down here before then.
Known the family since about 1982 and never don't enjoy their company. Met through doing exchanges with his school. One of my few friends who have known me with both my ex-wife, and then a girlfriend, then Wifey. Seen their kids grow up etc etc.
Given me such a positive buzz!!!:):):):):):):)

Thats refreshing you posting some pics. :)
Thats refreshing you posting some pics. :)
Me and Wifey with friends of ours would be like posting pics from "Benidorm" only with a bit more class.;););)
But I might post one or two of my mates pics as he has found some abandoned railway stations in the Charente from the time before French railways were called SNCF. didn't even know there was such a time but thinking about it it does make sense. They were called Chemins de Fer de l'état. Or State railways, so now I am going to have to feckin Google it to find out what the feck is what and when etc etc.
Feck my enquiring mind!!!;)
So @kevstar.
Up your way peeps capture other peeps.
Cut their heads off and leave them in a grotty canvas bag. Then they somehow preserve the body in concrete or summat, minus the head, chuck it in a stream, then take their trainers and throw them over a wire?

What the FUCK is all that about?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Its an ancient ceromancy where the body is preserved in wax then sent doon soof kept in a building
so peeps can pay to see em o_O

Nowt to do with the trainers just nobheads ruined there footwear going down the gorge an
threw them away.:mad:
Next time we go to Scotty land you must tell us where this weird and wonderful place is. Though it must look a bit different in the winter! Maybe not even visitable due to the higher watta!;)

Yup no probs ;) its a bit of a climb down some of the stairs have moved ect easier when its dry
but knowing here :rolleyes: there is another place I know but its a bit of a drive well worth seeing I
might try an get there next weekend. ;)
Well they threw them away in a rather not green way didn they! And then walked out barefoot?
double tw@ts!

There is a small car parking spot next to the field so they walked out an tossed them away an got
in there car. :mad: makes me mad I did notice a pile of rubbish near the entrance to the place.:(
Same as any nice spot ruined by visitors leaving there trash. Loch Lomond was on the news the
other night fkn dirty scum ruining everywhere, old bbqs n sh!te laying everywhere. :(:(
All they have to do is chuck it in a bag an take it away, its not hard I did feel like going back with
bags to remove it.
There is a small car parking spot next to the field so they walked out an tossed them away an got
in there car. :mad: makes me mad I did notice a pile of rubbish near the entrance to the place.:(
Same as any nice spot ruined by visitors leaving there trash. Loch Lomond was on the news the
other night fkn dirty scum ruining everywhere, old bbqs n sh!te laying everywhere. :(:(
All they have to do is chuck it in a bag an take it away, its not hard I did feel like going back with
bags to remove it.
Sympathise mate. tis the same on the Jurassic coast where we live. Feckin grockles. Burn em all!!!
Last year they took to burying those throw away BBQs cos they didn't know what else to do with them(?) in the sand. so kiddies walked over them and burned their feet. Assholes!

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