Int it great. The sun's oft at last and the bird bath is half full and still rising. Grass is looking greener and the sound of the wing has got me thinking I need to build a wind power thing to generate electricity.
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Yes, wet 'n windy 'ere but me and the dogs have braved the elements and been out for our usual hike - it is amazing how full the mountain streams were and how fast the flow - poor dogs were very disappointed as it was too fast to go and play in!
Back to normal Uk summer temperatures at last. Means I can rub down and prime my chassis without dripping sweat everywhere and causing instant rust!
I was tidying up ma hippo's boot when it started raining heavy. Had to hide int garage as me stuff was getting wet. When it slowed down I continued int rain. Me tshirts still wet but ah dun't care. The jack is now at home in it's propper place.
I was tidying up ma hippo's boot when it started raining heavy. Had to hide int garage as me blonde wig was getting wet. When it slowed down I sellotaped the doors back on. Me blouse still wet but ah dun't care. My gimp is now at home in it's propper place.
Sorted that for you to reflect the truth :p
Picked up a nice old billhook for my mate who has misplaced his. Shame he needs it for work, reckon I'd rather keep it.. Back to the hotness soon friends. Sleep well :)

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