Night all, I bid you a sticky night (an not in a good way). New peak temp recorded in Suffolk today. Gods we need a decent storm!
I has the BBC wever app. Thursday will be ottest at 30 degrees c. Temp drops ont Friday and it will rain int afternoon.
I need me tratter fix. All this wever talk is making me ferget. Can someone point me int direction of some new rust pictures or post some up. Fanks
Dear advert,
No I dun't av a final salary pension. I has a defined contribution pension. Orforly kind of yer to be so concerned about me welfare int future years but there's no need. So...

Keep yer nose out and oft.
King regards
Lord Hippopotamus of Landyzone
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I need me tratter fix. All this wever talk is making me ferget. Can someone point me int direction of some new rust pictures or post some up. Fanks

I can only give that a 2 out of 10 unless yer can poke yer finger through the chassis where it looks to have peeled. It would then rise to 6 or 7 out of 10.

I assume the boot floor is either none eggsistent or flaking away nicely?
It's immaculate :D

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